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The Same Outcry?

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B00 | 15:21 Sun 08th Feb 2015 | News
76 Answers
Last week Fender posted a news story link regarding the abhorrent slaughter of animals in a Halal slaughterhouse.

Whilst the vast majority of us agreed that it was indeed terrible what the link showed, some of us tried to argue the fact that the cruelty involved had nothing to do with the fact that the perpetrators appeared to be muslim and that it does indeed happen in 'our own' abattoirs.

Sadly, evidence is now here

Will we hear the same outcry from some of our more vocal AB members? I hope so!


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Boxy, //There was an interesting comparison to this on TV the other night, when the cook Dave Myers went to Egypt and attended a family feast. The goat was led calmly out of the house and slaughtered quickly and without any fuss, in front of everyone. That goat wasn't traumatised, they cared about it.//

I watched that programme and we don’t know if the goat was traumatised or not. They didn’t film the slaughter.
// I think I was trying to give the example that guys who were really nice, fun down the pub, had kids etc could still do that sort of thing without a thought. //

Amazing how many hangmen used to be in the pub trade.
What a disingenuous thread. Nobody (in their right mind) is going to 'support' cruelty to animals. Whether from Moslems, Christians or Zoroastrians.
Whether you consider non-stunned slaughter to be cruel or not is rather missing the point. A lot of us do and don't understand why, in a Christian/secular country, the authorities are bowing to the wishes of the 3-5% moon god followers. Then there's matters like halal tax (10% of which must be spent on Jihad)
Just so there's no room for doubt, I don't like the death cult that is Islam. They have no place in this country or in any decent society, imo. If you keep comparing them to other religions, like Catholics, say, you are, imo, making a very big mistake for which your great/grand-children will pay the price.
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Another one who's totally missed the point of the post ^
I ain't. I'd question the legitimacy of it though.
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of which one? The DM link in my thread? The one in Fenders thread? His post about his link?

My point (getting bored of saying it now- lol) wasn't the halal issue at all.
I know exactly what you're saying. So I'm not missing any point, I just happen to think you're wrong. If that's allowed.
How can B00 be wrong on a subject she hasn't posted about?
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Wrong about what?

Some AB members not being as rabid about this cruelty story as it's not religion based as the other one was?

I don't think I am, but yes I'll admit that you thinking I am is allowed ;-)

*Marks svejk's name down in THE book*
There is an implicit suggestion in your OP that certain ABers were only incensed at the previous cruelty because it involved Muslims. I say they were incensed at the cruelty to animals. I guess I have more faith in the honesty of our fellow ABers.
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There's no suggestion, im downright stating that's what I think :-)
Fancy using the suffering of animals to promote some strange agenda.
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Yes, lol, that's exactly what I'm doing....
Disgusting, vile, abhorrent. What the hell is wrong with the human race ??!! I only hope that now these horrors have been filmed, something is done, but what ??
Yes Svejk I am incensed at ALL cruelty to animals, not just halal.
Evidently, there is the same 'outcry', no matter who is abusing the animals and not some sort of phobia or ism against a specific group.

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