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Farage Acts Decisively !

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mikey4444 | 10:08 Sun 22nd Feb 2015 | News
64 Answers

Now we know why this daft woman was sacked on the spot. If only UKIP had checked her out more carefully, they wouldn't be left with egg on faces now.
But how many people like here are left in the UKIP ranks ?


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// "I don't know whether it's karma from a previous life // That's what it will be. Poor UKIP. Not only do they have to check their members, but now they have to check their previous lives.
10:32 Sun 22nd Feb 2015

Why didn't Farage act decisively with this character

In 2006 he founded the Scottish Christian Party which campaigned against gay activism and suggested Scottish criminals should be sent to developing countries as punishment.

Could someone provide me with a list of which components of our society we can rightly discriminate against.
It seems UKIP;s thinking is

Black people No
Gay people YES

Hargreaves, who has forced a candidate named Mark Taylor step aside, made his fortune in the 1980s penning “gay anthems” such as “So Macho” for singers such as Sinitta. He is bizarrely said to have used his wealth to fund a “heavily anti-gay message” when he stood for the Scottish Christian Party in 2007.

Why is the word *** offensive, my racial group is described as Caucasian, yet I am not offended by that?
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aog...listen to what the daft woman said. This woman was an elected Councillor, elected to represent all of her constituents, not just the white ones and that is why Farage acted quickly, and decisively. And well done to him for so doing.
So offensive is this word it won't pass the AB filters.but is still in the dictionary***
Ups can't even get on that web-site because it has that word in it's address.

The world gets dafter.
You mean on your link, "Page not Found" aog? That's not offensive......
I found her refreshingly honest. She is racist but doesn't want to be. If only we were all so honest !!
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If she says that she doesn't want to be racist, than its up to her not to be racist. She wasn't just some nutter plucked off the street...she was an elected UKIP Councillor. She confesses not to understand why she dislikes people of a certain race. I suggest she needs to find out why, without resorting to such utter drivel as "Karma from a previous life" ...whatever that means !

Did she really expect to say such things in front of a BBC camera crew and get away with it ? That is why I have described her this morning as daft...she is away with the fairies if she really thinks that she could have got away with her statement.

The link opens up "Page not found" is because the AB filter prevent it containing the full address.***

It should have contained the now obvious banned word Neg**

Is it any wonder that people who are not or ever been racist are now being made to lean that way, simply because it now seems that in our own country we are prevented from saying or writing certain words just because some have now deemed them offensive to use.

Which all goes to make "The Oxford English Dictionary" incorrectly described.
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I don't have too much of a problem with the word. Here is the wiki entry for it :::***

(not sure if this is going to get past the AN censor, but if it doesn't, it's easy to bring up the Wiki page )

The reason that this woman got the sack wasn't so much her use of the word, but her views of people of this ethnicity. What I do have a problem with is that this woman confessed to a dislike of people from that community, and she did this in front of a BBC camera crew. She has shown a grave lack of judgement and Farage is well shot of her.
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I'd bet she's not. Honesty is often unwelcome.
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Not half as unwelcome as racism though Naomi !
Yes methyl, do you not recall the various cases of whistleblowers being sacked? Google Margaret Haywood if not.
Ah yes Mikey but, as AOG has so eloquently pointed out, it's not racist to offend a whole ethnic group through the use of a word they find offensive, it's an infringement of our freedom of speech!

(T firmly IC)
How many times have you and I read our political commentators say, on this site, things like "I wouldn't trust that man with a piggy bank never mind the budget or "I'm not voting for any one they are all liars and thieves". "They say one thing and do a U turn once elected"
That is in part because politicians are scared to nail their colours to the mast and say what is on their mind. They fear political point scoring and political suicide. Basically few people will trust politicians because they don't possess the moral fibre to stand up and state some unpalatable truths to others.
Only one Party Leader at the moment does seem to possess that moral fibre and state exactly what he means without prejudice,fear or favour.
Mikey, personally I prefer blunt honesty to the dishonesty of making the right noises in a politically correct world.
Someone obviously does have a problem with the word. It has been censored twice but can be found in a dictionary and Wilkipedia. I have often heard and read the term "the suspect has ....... features" when a description is made.

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