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Farage Acts Decisively !

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mikey4444 | 10:08 Sun 22nd Feb 2015 | News
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Now we know why this daft woman was sacked on the spot. If only UKIP had checked her out more carefully, they wouldn't be left with egg on faces now.
But how many people like here are left in the UKIP ranks ?


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// "I don't know whether it's karma from a previous life // That's what it will be. Poor UKIP. Not only do they have to check their members, but now they have to check their previous lives.
10:32 Sun 22nd Feb 2015

// The reason that this woman got the sack wasn't so much her use of the word, but her views of people of this ethnicity. ///

Oh so in this day and age we are all prevented from processing personal views on people who happen to belong to a particular ethnicity?

During WW2 I hated Germans and Japanese, I also wasn't too fond of the Italians also. Now I can't stand North Koreans and many others for all manner of reasons.

/// What I do have a problem with is that this woman confessed to a dislike of people from that community, and she did this in front of a BBC camera crew. She has shown a grave lack of judgement and Farage is well shot of her. ///

What Community??????? I though we all lived in one community that being in my case England.

And what if she did confess her particular dislikes in front of a BBC camera? Although not a particular wise thing to do I'm afraid these days, but hey! we do not live in Russia, China or North Korea.

Pity more politicians don't speak their minds, and not what's just acceptable to any particular party line.
ANOTHEOLDGIT, she said, 'The only people I do have problems with are negroes. And I don't know why.' is that racist or no?
"Oh so in this day and age we are all prevented from processing personal views on people who happen to belong to a particular ethnicity?"

No, we're not 'all' prevented but those in positions of public office should make themselves aware of what is considered right and wrong. The rest of use should have the intelligence and decency to work out whether using that word might cause offence

It appears to be worse than I first though on this wikipedia site, under 'Phylogeography, race and human origins' there is a diagram entitled 'Display at the Horniman Museum' and at it's base are four sections 'Mongoloids' 'Caucasoids' 'Negroids' and 'Australoids' each one can be clicked on so as to open up a page on that particular group, except for some strange reason the third one that being Negroids????????????

/// ANOTHEOLDGIT, she said, 'The only people I do have problems with are negroes. And I don't know why.' is that racist or no? ///

People have all different reason for having a problem with many various groups, be them Scottish, Welsh, Irish, or even English (and hey there are plenty who seem to have and are not afraid to say so)
This, supposedly, offensive language is far removed from paedophilia. Another, in a long line, of Labour paedophile councillors was jailed last week. We might ask why such people are attracted to the Labour Party and why they don't do more to weed them out.(the shadow cabinet members who support the Paedophile Information Exchange notwithstanding)
Don't hear too much about it but there's hardly a week goes by without a labour apparatchik being jailed/fined for fraud or paedophilia offences which, in my book, are far more serious than waycism allegations.
Most normal people can see through these smear campaigns now. I feel rather sorry for you if you can't. Labour leaders sneer at you from their Islington wine bars and Umbrian villas.

/// should make themselves aware of what is considered right and wrong. ///

Considered right and wrong, by whom, the guy next door, your local councillor, your council, your MP, the political party in office, the establishment, the Church???????

/// The rest of use should have the intelligence and decency to work out whether using that word might cause offence ///

Yes intelligence "The rest of use"?????
Right or wrong by the people who are offended. And don't question my intelligence via a typo because that just makes you look silly.
ANOTHEOLDGIT you wrote 'be them' rather than 'be they'...anyway, were the woman's comments racist? Simple enough question, yes or no?

Then don't question other's intelligence just because their views differ from yours.


/// ANOTHEOLDGIT you wrote 'be them' rather than 'be they'...///

*** Which of the following is grammatical? ***

*** He had lollies be they red or blue? ****
*** He had lollies be them red or blue? ****

*** It seems as if it could "BE THEM" as an object of be. ***
There is no 'are you a loony' test as it would probably result in a party with one person in it.

I hardly like to ask...which one?

Sorry, but the verb to be cannot take an object.
ANOTHEOLDGIT, I googled "be they" and the first hit gave your example but it was someone asking the question and it remains unanswered. If you bothered to look at the second hit (from the same website) you'll see the answer,

No answer to the question I posed...
aog, use this site

if you have a URL that you think AB will censor, copy it into there and they will give you a new and shorter one that you can paste on here. Clicking on it will still take people to the site you were trying to link to.
-- answer removed --
More depth charges to your asenine comments. I have no idea why you have accused me of challenging others intelligence as I haven't done that in this thread. Maybe you should just retreat and lick your wounds?
Must say, UKIP came across very well in the programme, despite the best efforts of the BBC, unlike the left wing 'boo-boys'. No wonder this thread died a death.
We must have watched different programs svejk.
A pretty feeble and not particularly bright lot. The more I see of Farage the more he appears to be what I can only describe as a clown.

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