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Farage Acts Decisively !

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mikey4444 | 10:08 Sun 22nd Feb 2015 | News
64 Answers

Now we know why this daft woman was sacked on the spot. If only UKIP had checked her out more carefully, they wouldn't be left with egg on faces now.
But how many people like here are left in the UKIP ranks ?


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// "I don't know whether it's karma from a previous life // That's what it will be. Poor UKIP. Not only do they have to check their members, but now they have to check their previous lives.
10:32 Sun 22nd Feb 2015
They did so well, one candidate was sacked, they put restrictions on the filming and the local press officer resigned. Imagine what like they would have been if things had gone badly!
"During WW2 I hated Germans and Japanese, I also wasn't too fond of the Italians also. Now I can't stand North Koreans and many others for all manner of reasons. "

What, so you just base your opinions on entire country populations based on contemporary trends in geopolitics? You just assume that governments are an unproblematic representation of the people they rule?

God what an insipid moron you are.
///God what an insipid moron you are.///

Is that kind of aggressive language really necessary?
No, but I am nothing if not generous.

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