Quizzes & Puzzles16 mins ago
Fao Aog
For 18 months you expressed some concern about a large influx of immigrants from Romania & Bulgaria much to the mirth of some ABers. In view of this week's figures that 187,000 have indeed flooded in from those 2 countries in 12 months, are you happy that you were proved right and 'the usual suspects' have a great deal of egg on their faces. Or does it just deepen your original concerns.
There does seem to be a multitude of self- loathing anti-Brits on this site!
17:05 Mon 02nd Mar 2015
Sorry about that, I clicked on mushroom's link and my comp froze(might have been a coincidence) When I tried to come back on I had to log in. The only time I usually see that is when I'm suspended about once a fortnight. But obviously I wasn't this time;) Where was I? Google 187,000 Romanians, Zacs. There's loads of links. That was the number of N.I. No's issued. The gov are guesstimating a third of them were already here but, of course, it's in their interest to minimise immigration figures. Make of that what you will.
I can't find anywhere which states 187000 Romanians and Bulgarians. I found this which says overall EU migration is 187000.
http:// www.tel egraph. co.uk/n ews/ukn ews/imm igratio n/11030 392/Num ber-of- Romania n-and-B ulgaria n-worke rs-in-B ritain- hits-ne w-high. html?mo bile=ba sic
http:// order-o rder.co m/2015/ 02/26/k eith-va zs-sens ible-im migrati on-pred iction/
https:/ /twitte r.com/i ntent/r etweet? tweet_i d=57098 8639896 924160
I see loads of them. The 187,000 total EU immigration you referred to in the Telegraph was for 3 months, lol.
I see loads of them. The 187,000 total EU immigration you referred to in the Telegraph was for 3 months, lol.
If you read this link, it tells a different story http:// m.bbc.c o.uk/ne ws/uk-3 1519319
Sorry I was a while but these gov. figures are squirrelled away. Like you and your comrades on here they must find them highly embarrassing.
https:/ /www.go v.uk/go vernmen t/uploa ds/syst em/uplo ads/att achment _data/f ile/407 501/NIN o_Analy tical_R eport_F eb15.pd f
Figure 2.1 of this document:
https:/ /www.go v.uk/go vernmen t/uploa ds/syst em/uplo ads/att achment _data/f ile/313 401/nin o-analy tical-r eport-m ay-2014 .pdf
shows the number of NI numbers issued to those from Romania and Bulgaria. I don’t have sight of the series that is the source of the chart, but as a very rough estimate I make it about 270,000 since 2007. These are ONS figures and remember they are only NI numbers issued. They take no account of people who may have accompanied the workers. They also take no account of numbers issued since March 2014. According to the link provided by Svejk in the calendar year 2014 187,000 new NIs were issued to applicants from those two nations.
These are truly astounding (though not unsurprising) figures. The best part of half a million people from just two EU nations – two of the poorest where earnings are many times lower than here.
Anybody believing this is in the best interests of the UK must need their bumps felt. Forget jobs, forget employment or unemployment. Just consider the strain these numbers put on housing, healthcare and education, all of which are currently struggling badly.
shows the number of NI numbers issued to those from Romania and Bulgaria. I don’t have sight of the series that is the source of the chart, but as a very rough estimate I make it about 270,000 since 2007. These are ONS figures and remember they are only NI numbers issued. They take no account of people who may have accompanied the workers. They also take no account of numbers issued since March 2014. According to the link provided by Svejk in the calendar year 2014 187,000 new NIs were issued to applicants from those two nations.
These are truly astounding (though not unsurprising) figures. The best part of half a million people from just two EU nations – two of the poorest where earnings are many times lower than here.
Anybody believing this is in the best interests of the UK must need their bumps felt. Forget jobs, forget employment or unemployment. Just consider the strain these numbers put on housing, healthcare and education, all of which are currently struggling badly.
Hello zacs, thought you'd run away, boy.
Corby, Corby, Corby, do you just not bother reading things that don't suit your agenda?
I've posted actual ons statistics to verify what I said.
The BBC may have taken ons figures but then, not surprisingly, twisted and cherry-picked them to suit their own agenda. As I said, 'never, ever, ever trust the BBC to tell the truth about anything'.
So, there you go, if nothing else, you've learned a valuable lesson on this thread.
Corby, Corby, Corby, do you just not bother reading things that don't suit your agenda?
I've posted actual ons statistics to verify what I said.
The BBC may have taken ons figures but then, not surprisingly, twisted and cherry-picked them to suit their own agenda. As I said, 'never, ever, ever trust the BBC to tell the truth about anything'.
So, there you go, if nothing else, you've learned a valuable lesson on this thread.
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