Good morning Svejk, sorry I am late on parade, but it is good that you and others like the Judge are there to show some concerns regarding our country.
But you are both wasting your time trying to instil some kind of intelligent thinking into those who can see nothing wrong with the continuous (and at the moment) unstoppable mass immigration into such a small country as ours.
But then our politicians (of all 3 main parties) do not show concern, but then they wouldn't would they? Instead of looking after the needs of their own countrymen & women, they seem more interested in foreigners, instead of those who put them in the privileged position that they now find themselves in.
In the many years of my once working life, I have not seen a time when it has been so bad for our working classes, at one time a person left school, and waiting for them there was a choice of jobs, and when they settled into a job of their choice they could be sure that their wages or salary increased year after year, then when they married there was no shortage of housing for them, and if they chose to buy their house, (although at one stage the interest rate on their mortgage was 15%) they could still afford to pay, in the knowledge that they wasn't going to loose their job overnight.
I wish to ask those in favour of unlimited immigration, are you not bothered about the shortage of jobs, the decline in payment for doing those jobs, the shortage and high price of housing (making them unaffordable for most), crowded class rooms for your children, an overburdened NHS, crowded and overpriced public transport, plus congested public roads?
Controlled immigration is good for everyone, but uncontrolled is not.