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Svejk | 15:41 Sat 28th Feb 2015 | News
173 Answers
For 18 months you expressed some concern about a large influx of immigrants from Romania & Bulgaria much to the mirth of some ABers. In view of this week's figures that 187,000 have indeed flooded in from those 2 countries in 12 months, are you happy that you were proved right and 'the usual suspects' have a great deal of egg on their faces. Or does it just deepen your original concerns.


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There does seem to be a multitude of self-loathing anti-Brits on this site!
17:05 Mon 02nd Mar 2015
Why,svejk,?Is being pro-British something to be ashamed about.
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it ain't very popular around here.
'specially with the person whom this thread was, rather ironically, aimed at.
There does seem to be a multitude of self-loathing anti-Brits on this site!
Evidence icecream, as I think you have the wrong end of the golf club in your hands.
Some of us are Brits and pro European, very strongly so, who believe that Britain can not survive as a single entity, isolated away from major trading blocks, playing off its Imperial past - that is long gone, much to some folk's chagrin.

However, that doesn't mean that change is needed - it is but within the context of a European solution - two things are needed and they are (i) the offering of jobs within the UK for a period of x and then they can be offered if there is no local take-up, same for everyone - the States have been debating this too re Cubans and Mexicans and with a defined, tight package of health support for themselves only until a qual period of y years is up. (ii) shifting our benefits support from being one of the most generous in the Market to the bottom quartile and making them even more stringent for alien immigrants from outside the EEC.
The expression 'as British as ham and eggs' is something of a paradox as in Britain the word 'bacon' is used instead of ham in this context.
Well,DT ,all those not against mass uncontrolled immigration into this small island called Britain could certainly be called anti-British,however I think I am pis...sorry,spitting against the wind on this site.
Sorry,Jack,just didn't want to offend the islamists on this site.
Rubbish, pure unadulterated rubbish.
No,i didn't want to annoy the islamists.... which case you should have used roast beef as an analogy instead of ham an eggs.
Can you use the word b-c-n on this site?Uh-uh,not PC anymore.
Of course you can, bacon, ham, pork, all OK as long as they're halal.
Not roast beef though. That gives the Hindus something to bee... Er complain about!!!
Are you one of those Islamophobic reactionaries,Jack?Never ever ever use those words on this site again.How do you think people like jihadi john or those poor innocent schoolgirls drawn into the friendly world of the religion of peace would feel to hear you using those terms.
Moi? Reactionary? Perish the thought!
//those poor innocent schoolgirls// - rubbish, they knew precisely what they were doing and they shouldn't come back - if they do, then it should be to a prison and major un-brainwashing programme.
You do know that I was being slightly sarcastic there.....No,i was being very,very sarcastic.
I think icecream might have been ever so slightly ironic.

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