AOG - // andy-hughes
/// How does support of the UAF translate into a support of the rise of Islam in this country? ///
/// I would be interested to hear how you link those two concepts together. ///
I would have thought that would be obvious to most, but apparently in your case Andy it is not, so please allow me to enlighten you. //
No need to be patronising. If you fail to make your position clear, the responsibility is yours, so to infer that lack of understanding on my part is the result of some inferred stupidity is uncalled for.
// The EDL stand for the English Defence League, and they were formed for the purpose of opposing the increasing rise of Islam in this country, so it figures that if one is in favour of preventing them from voicing their concerns, then one must be in favour of the rise of Islam in this country.//
That is not logical in the slightest. To assume that dislike or one infers support of the other has no basis in fact, or opinion.
I for one deeply dislike and distrust the EDL, but I am in no way in favour of any Muslim extremism, so that dismisses your rather broad-brushed argument immediately.
I am very much in favour of free speech, but not of shouting 'Fire!' in a crowded theatre, as the oft-used explanation has it.
To assume that opposition to one concept infers automatic tacit support of another is ludicrous.
Because you are not in favour of Islamic extremism, does that make you a fundamentalist Christian, keen to exterminate all other faiths by any means necessary? I would guess not - although your logic would certainly infer that.