News5 mins ago
Has She Won Or Is She Lying.?
A woman has come forward to the shop where the news channels have been filming from in Worcester claiming to have the winning £33M lotto ticket, only problem is the FULL date is not visible, just the year, and the barcode is washed out as well, now the date is at the top of the ticket and the barcode is at the bottom, it just seems a little suspicious to me.
http:// tory/16 28246/w omans-3 3m-lott o-ticke t-damag ed-in-w ash
does seem suspicious that everything as been washed out except the lottery numbers ... could have bought a ticket with those numbers after the event and doctored the ticket ... sceptical so and so aren't i?
13:24 Sat 23rd Jan 2016
you have to remove out barcodes and stuff otherwise someone will copy them
http:// www.tri lbourne /stuff/ pub-tal k/2015/ 11/warn ing-do- not-pos t-your- winning -racing -ticket -on-fac ebook/
It sounds genuine to me.
It would be extremely unlikely to me that someone who happened to live in the same area that the winning ticket was sold would happen to have an old ticket where she'd chosen exactly the same six numbers (and could then simply remove the date, etc).
To forge such a ticket would probably take skills well beyond those of most people and, even if they could do so, they still wouldn't know exactly where the winning ticket had been sold (as Camelot only reveal the general area).
It would be extremely unlikely to me that someone who happened to live in the same area that the winning ticket was sold would happen to have an old ticket where she'd chosen exactly the same six numbers (and could then simply remove the date, etc).
To forge such a ticket would probably take skills well beyond those of most people and, even if they could do so, they still wouldn't know exactly where the winning ticket had been sold (as Camelot only reveal the general area).
http:// www.the answerb uk/Chat terBank /Questi on14702 83.html
sandy asked the same earlier chaps. The cheat theory is even in here.
sandy asked the same earlier chaps. The cheat theory is even in here.
Has she won or as has someone else ?
there is quite a lot of detail we are not party to
like they know which shop the ticket was bought at - they do we are just told
and considering it is all computerised the time that the winning number was entered should be on the central processor and can be matched with the CCTV
as for fraudulent claims - 9/11 looms large in people memories for a variety of thing including fraudulent charities and of course people claiming for non existent relatives caught in the building. The fraudulent charity fella when he was arrested said: this is the stupidest thing I have ever done ......
there is quite a lot of detail we are not party to
like they know which shop the ticket was bought at - they do we are just told
and considering it is all computerised the time that the winning number was entered should be on the central processor and can be matched with the CCTV
as for fraudulent claims - 9/11 looms large in people memories for a variety of thing including fraudulent charities and of course people claiming for non existent relatives caught in the building. The fraudulent charity fella when he was arrested said: this is the stupidest thing I have ever done ......