TTT - //just got back to this:
"Can anyone who went banging on about this being 'typical Muslim behaviour' yesterday help me out on this - since you were so convinced that it was her faith that made her do this? " - so, Andy, do you think that declaring "god is great" is unconnected to the religion and actons of this woman? //
I am delighted to repeat my position since, unlike some contributors, it remains unchanged.
In the interest of clarity, I will make my view as simple as possible.
To answer your question - // ... so, Andy, do you think that declaring "god is great" is unconnected to the religion and actons of this woman? //
I think it may be connected, but there is absolutely no evidence to confirm that it is connected.
The woman comes out dressed in Muslim clothing, and shouting Muslim salutations - does that suggest that she is a Muslim? Yes it does.
Is the shouting of Muslim salutations a cast-iron guarantee that she has murdered this child in the name of Jihad? No it is categorically not a guarantee of anything of the sort, and that has been my point since I joined the thread.
If it sounds like a horse, it could still be a zebra, and my argument has always been that assuming an action based on perceived behaviours of the same faith base is seriously dodgy without some sort of evidence, and at the time we were debating yesterday, there was none at all available.
Since then, the woman has offered two individual explanations, neither of which are remotely connected to her faith - which simply goes to strengthen my argument.
In conclusion - I think shouting 'God is great' can definitely be attributed to her religion but - and this is the crux of the issue - it's the only thing that can be attributed to her religion based on evidence available at the time of writing.
Anything else - from your post downwards, on that point, is speculation - and should be acknowledged as such.