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vernonk | 08:42 Wed 23rd Mar 2016 | News
45 Answers
What do you think should be done to combat terrorism in the UK?


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TTT - //easy webbo, world domination under sharia and death to all the infidels. That's their minimum requirement you gonna negotiate with that? //

I'm not.

I am going to find odd individuals and put them in prison, and then sit back and do nothing because there is nothing I can do, and let the murder and mayhem go on.

That sounds like a much better solution.
andy-hughes, why not have a go at answering Webbo's question:

"What is the goal and end game of Islamic terrorism?"

The answer to that will, hopefully, clarify the situation for you.
First we need to stem the tide of muslims coming in to the UK.
Extract ourselves from the Schengen policy of open doors.
Get out of the eussr.
Extratc ourselves from the ludicrous HR act.
Tghten up our borders and anybody we dont want in doesnt come in and we ship them straight back to where they last came from.

Stop pussyfooting around with muslims over here...non of this worrying about community relations, if they dont like it when the police do a search then tough, leave.
Stop and search more muslims, if they dont like it tough , our security comes first..again if they dont like it then they can leave.

if these filth are at war with us as they claim to be then in other wars security/special measures can be invoked and brought in to deal with the situation...close down these hate mosques, and get these so called clerics out of the country however possible, revoke their british passports.

The HR act must take second place (preferably ditch it)and under no circumstances overrule or take precedence over our laws where our safety and security is involved. etc etc..
If only baz, if only .....
Adopt something like this American act.:-
That was off the cuff, hence not comprehensive.
Where did al qaeda come from?:
We trained a group of freedom fighters to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. We gave them weapons but then they decided we were the same as the Russians and they began to kill us.

20 years later, where did ISIS come from?:
We trained Syrian freedom fighters to beat Assad and the Russians. We gave them weapons, but then they formed IS and started to attack us.

What would I do to stop terrorism? I would stop inventing, training and financing these terrorist groups. I would bomb ISIS out of existance instead of letting them off. I would stop meddling in the middle east and supporting ANY of the fanatics.

And I would apportion blame on Bush and Obama instead of stupid bleating about wooly liberals being the cause.

Yes, foreign policy needs looking at. As Assad said, 'When it happens in Europe they call it terorism, when it happens here, they call it regime change'.
To think 'we' supply these creatures with arms/explosives.

/// I would stop meddling in the middle east and supporting ANY of the fanatics. ///

What would you do about those migrants coming into Europe from the Middle East?
unisex glamobile lol x
oh sorry wrong thread

I would stop British planes bombing them, then they would stay where they are.

Isn't there a cease fire, yet they still come?
I think everyone has stopped to reload.
Prevent Turkey being handed visas for unchecked travel into the EU. It will become a gateway for terrorists via the black market for such documentation.
I would stop British planes bombing them, then they would stay where they are. Gromit.
Is that meant to be serious??
"Where did al qaeda come from?:
We trained a group of freedom fighters to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. We gave them weapons but then they decided we were the same as the Russians and they began to kill us. "

read House of Bush House of Saud...then give us a history lesson
First, stop any more potential terrorists coming in I.E. get out of the EU.
1a) Secure our borders at all costs.

Second, reintroduce identity cards on a temporary basis (as happened in WW2). I object to this in general terms, but accept the current need.

Third, Islamic terrorism comes from Muslims alone, so all Muslims need to be registered - sorry, but that is how it is - and mosques need to be either closed or monitored closely with CCTV etc..

There are other, minor points, but these seem to me to be a basic need. Otherwise we shall have to populate entire islands with Muslims internees (as happened in WW2 to Germans sent to the I.o.M.).
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