Needs to be more than the UK.
ISIS/daish whatever you want to call them have declared war on us (a Jihad). The first thing we need to do is understand that this is a different type of war and that conventional techniques alone will not work.
The first thing we need to do is start ignoring the wooly liberals, although noisy they are in a minority, we need some politicians who have a spine.
Second re-write the HRA to suit the UK and the war on Terror.
Ban lawyers from any legal aid connected to the war. War crimes, if real ones are committed, should be tried in a Martial Court.
Arrest and detain anyone connected with ISIS. Their families should also be detained until it can be proven they are same. All known fanatics and hate preachers should be interned. Anyone who has not committed a crime but is a supporter should be given the opportunity to surrender their passport for good and leave for a place better suited to them.
Mosques where hate is spread should be razed to the ground and no new ones allowed to open in their place.
We need to stop the idea of 'communities'. We should be one big community with one law and one way of living. If you dont like it then leave.
Immigration should be halted until we can get our act together to vet everyone entering the UK. Anyone who has erased their past trying to claim asylum should be interned or given the opportunity to return to their homeland.
Lastly, we need to somehow get rid of the ISIS territories. Easy to say I know and I do appreciate we need to ensure no power vacuums, again easy to say.
There are other things of course, but apart from the usual spying those are the starters for 10.