Naomi, read this timeline.
// 22:00 BST
Boris leaves with a key member of Team Gove to write his speech - the most of important of his life.
His pitch to become prime minister.
Around midnight
The Team Gove member takes a series of phone calls. He then makes his excuses and leaves.
Gove tries to speak to George Osborne, but can't get through.
08:00 BST
Dominic Raab has written in the Sun, backing Boris for PM.
He says the former London mayor has got the "'Heineken effect', that refreshes the parts that more conventional politicians cannot reach".
But he cancels a planned interview on the Today programme.
Did MPs lose their taste for Boris Johnson's so-called Heineken effect?
08:00 BST
Gove formally tells his team he is going to run.
08:35 BST
The team at Greycoat Place get a call from a journalist telling them Gove is jumping ship.
"Rubbish," they tell her.
08:40 BST
They listen in horror as Sir Lynton Crosby takes a call from Gove, telling him he's running.
"I felt kicked in the stomach, it's nasty stuff. Gove is deeply ambitious and he was persuaded he didn't need Boris. It could be him. It was all about power," says one insider.
11:25 BST
Moments before Boris is about to go on stage, his small team decides he can't run.
11:50 BST
Boris Johnson announces he will not stand for the Tory leadership.