Older people don't get the food in hospital unless family come to feed them, some tend to keep quiet, not cause a fuss, I've been there, seems to happen everywhere, I'm talking of HSE,I see families come feed their older relatives, I've often called over visitors to tell them their relative hasn't eaten as the food is served, the staff come back in few minutes, take away trays, nurses don't know who ate or didn't. I Had a sore thumb one day pressing my buzzer because the feeble man across from me was falling out of the bed, a drip in his arm came loose and there was blood all over the place and people have died on trolleys before being seen to - then our midlands hospital is notorious. Another time I was in, my neighbour was there too, her daughter cares for her, she has to get thickener in her drinks, her breakfast with pot of tea was left in front of her and I starved that morning as I fed my neighbour and tried to work out how you make that thick drink in her tea, something to do with her swallow