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So Barack Obama's master plan was, apparently, to...

1) Tap the opposition

2) Gather damaging information

3) Say nothing

4) Let the opposition win the election?

5) Ride off into the sunset, still doing nothing.

Oh and it's just a coincidence that this comes from Breitbart, a site that regularly makes stuff up and traffics in conspiracy theories...
Kromo....despite my asking, none of Trumps few apologists on here, can produce a shred of evidence that Obama tapped Trump's phones.

And neither can Trump !

As regards the risible claims that Obama is not American but is a Muslim, still not a shred of evidence there either.
talbot very good, but that would cost billions and isn't viable.
In fairness, all Trump need do is present evidence , what he accused Obama of is quite dreadful .
Anne....maybe he can't produce any evidence, 'coz it doesn't exist ?
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Why did Obama lie about being born in Kenya?
Talbot....where is your evidence that Obama was born in Kenya ?
wasn't he born in Hawaii. ?
4 August 1961 (age 55 years), Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
Thanks Emmie...over to you now Talbot, or perhaps Khandro can have a go instead !
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I didn't say Obama was born in Kenya.

I said why did Obama lie about being born in Kenya.....
talbot when did he say that?
Talbot....there may well be a vacancy for Leader of UKIP soon.

Have you thought of putting yourself up for the job, or do you think that two people, in a row, with a tenuous grasp on reality might be too much ?

Same question to Khandro !
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We don't believe Nuthall when he denies knowing about made up stuff appearing on his website.
Nuthall found himself a scapegoat for that.

But we do believe Obama when he finds himself a scapegoat for made up stuff on his bio.

That's how it works isn't it?

No Talbot, it doesn't. It "works" by Trump producing evidence for his outlandish claims, at the same as he is making them.

That goes for all the others on here that are making similar, unsubstantiated claims.

As it stands at the moment, Trump makes these claims, and then hides behind a rock somewhere.

Its put up of shut up time.
mikey; There seems little point in putting reports before you if you refuse to read, or in the case of videos watch them.
Go back to page 1 on this thread and read your own posts (I have just done so) and you have said absolutely nothing except invective and the repeating over and over that there is no proof. This story is very new and perhaps 'proof' will be forthcoming, but you will then say it is fabricated, so there's really no point in continuing.
Is there a clip of Obama saying he was born in Kenya ?
Khandro....I read eo everything your post, and I read this at 10:26 this morning ::::

"For a closet Muslim, with a faked birth certificate, Obama had a pretty good run"

I have asked you to produce evidence of this statement, but you have not done so....yet.
seems to be footage of him saying he was born in Kenya, but it seems that the footage was heavily edited and largely a fake.

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