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Mrs May's New Plans

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mikey4444 | 07:34 Mon 12th Jun 2017 | News
64 Answers
I understand that lots of the things that were in the Tory Manifesto will be ditched over the next few days......loss of the triple lock for OAPs, and means testing for the Winter Fuel Payment, as well as bringing back Hunting with Dogs, and an expansion of Grammar Schools.

So how will May explain that to the British Public ?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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She wont need to as she wont be around and even if she is she wont be the one deciding these things now it will be the Cabinet. Which should prove interesting.
07:36 Mon 12th Jun 2017
Oh my, the queens speech will be delayed for a few days ?
// "The British Public have spoken, and we have listened."//
Is that a bad thing?
// the queens speech will be delayed for a few days ? //

Yep, the coalition of Chaos rules.
The words "Stay of Execution" spring to mind.
> Is that a bad thing?

It would be great if it was true, rather than the usual platitudes and clichés.

What it would really mean was "We know we can't get that through, so it's pointless putting it in."
Atalanta, //With the current value of houses, many hoped-for legacies would be eaten away.//

Many hoped for legacies really are being eaten away now – completely - with no £100,000 minimum left untouched, as would have happened under the new plans. Opposing it means that those whose estate is worth less than £100,000 but more than about £23,000 will continue to lose everything. That doesn't seem terribly smart to me.

Perhaps the result of this election is what comes of telling the electorate honestly what the plans are, rather than ‘doing a Jeremy’ and promising the impossible - an endless source of money and everything for nothing.
I agree Naomi, some of the policies were positively socialist.
//the queens speech will be delayed for a few days... //

at this rate, parliament will be off on its hols before it gets voted on. maybe that's the idea?
Ellipsis. I simply can't fathom why that's so difficult to understand.
The Queen's Speech has been delayed.
Maybe the Queen is speechless....

The fact that the DUP don't negotiate on a Sunday (seriously) won't have helped
Naomi continuing in her crusade to blame the electorate for delivering the wrong result, I see.

ichkeria, Maybe the Queen is speechless....

I wouldn't be at all surprised!!
Jim, simply attempting to inject a little truth where it's clearly missing. No apology for the inconvenience.
When are the brexit talks due to start ?
By the time the new Conservative manifesto actually gets published it is going to look more like a Labour manifesto. If that's not a victory for Corbyn I don't know what is!
Eddie, I doubt very much that it will be anything like the Labour manifesto. Heaven forbid!
Blimey old Atheist Naomi imploring a higher being to save her from Jezza- that man must really have some power :)
Here's a handy tool to help, anne


Keep it safe for future reference.
kvalidir, not so much of the old. ;o)
Sorry Naomi I actually didn't mean it in a literal term anyway, but reading it back sounds quite rude xx

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