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What Is The Point Of Prayers ?

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HansUrbancka | 09:41 Sun 18th Jun 2017 | News
76 Answers
Teresa May has had prayer sessions with the Archbishop of Canterbury.

I feel sure that mikey will agree with me that prayer sessions are a complete waste of time.



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To get the discussion as you wanted maybe Hans would have been better to put in R&S rather than News referring to Theresa May which would attract Maybot swatting.
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I put it in News because I read it as a News item.

However, and thankfully, I do Not appear to have attracted 'Maybot Swatters'.

Nevertheless, I was hoping and thought that those who believe in the power of prayer would have given a few convincing replies.

Interesting to note that the believers in this thread are Not commenting about their God's atrocious actions in allowing evil to take place, whilst held by them to be all powerful and full of love.

"What's a practising atheist?"

Maybe practising makes perfect ?
Personally, I consider standing in the rain for 90 minutes or more, religiously following eleven men and a ball, having handed over an inordinate amount of money, to be a waste of time but as it doesn't hurt me I don't feel the need to inflict my opinions on other people. Do you sneer at all who believe in something or just Christians?
sevenOP, More nonsense someone has invented.
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@zebo....If you feel that watching a football match in the rain is a waste of time. Why impose such upon yourself and then inflict us with your opinion. ☺☺☺

You think Prayers are a waste of time, yet you post here and ask others to convince you differently - it isn't going to happen.
for some they are a comfort,
That God allows you to make errors, is hardly relevant to whether there is a point to prayers, plus your description of that being an atrocious action is unjustified and no part of a reasoned argument. Since it wasn't a deliberate act to set the tower on fire, evil has nothing to do with it. Sort of a derailed thread, this.
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@Mamyalynne You have said to me....."You think Prayers are a waste of time, yet you post here and ask others to convince you differently - it isn't going to happen."

I am always open to being proved wrong. Pity you are Not endeavouring to do so. Is it that you lack proof of the power of prayer. ??

Aye that'll be it - either that or I can't be mithered.
If people believe in the power of prayer, so what? Why should we criticise them if it obviously gives them comfort? A personal choice, surely.
I was prayed for - ca colon ( success - I dont have it now)
and am being prayed for ( relapsed lymphoma - oops! )

and I am grateful - and no I never said to the prayers - oh really dont bother ....

First, I hope you don't mind me shortening your moniker.

Re: prayers...the point of them isn't to put something into action. Prayers offer (those who have faith) comfort.

That's all they really do.

Think of it like saying, "Good luck" to someone, or keeping your fingers crossed when the lottery numbers come up. These actions don't have a bearing on what is going to happen, but it makes people feel better. It gives people a sense that they can somehow influence what's coming.

However, if prayers were all Theresa May was to do, then I would agree with you that they were a waste of time...but they're not.

Oh, and by the way - this story was leaked. I understand posters here saying that it's a private matter, but the Prime Minister's office absolutely wanted us to all know about it.
And Jesus said "It is better to pray quietly than fight like feral cats in a sack about every damned thing in the world and imagine that internet rantings are in any way of import".

and the new england journal has actually done a study on it
// And Jesus said "It is better to pray quietly ....//

that is my kinduv Bible

but Dugie you will remember the santimonious squawking from the usual suspects when I paraphrased - "and Jesus said - Goodlife you are a damned liar..." .John 3 - 8

you would have been forgiven for thinking some of them DID read the Bible !
Your post implied a request for opinions, sorry if mine doesn't suit you.
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@zebo.....I thought that you post was one of the best. It was light hearted with a seriousness of purpose. Hence the reason for my reply to you with a few smiley emoticons.

SevenOP...thanks for your helpful explanation of what being a practising atheist is all about. Although I would have thought it was obvious, especially to our more educated correspondents !

But I will repeat....I don't see the point in praying, but if it helps people to cope in difficult times, so be it.

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