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What Is The Point Of Prayers ?

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HansUrbancka | 09:41 Sun 18th Jun 2017 | News
76 Answers
Teresa May has had prayer sessions with the Archbishop of Canterbury.

I feel sure that mikey will agree with me that prayer sessions are a complete waste of time.



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I sincerely hope that Gness and others have had a smile at my last posting.

Now back to being serious.

I concur with Mamyalynne's comments at 17.03.

Now in support of mikey.......If one can be a practising believer....Catholic, Anglican.Muslim etc...then it must follow that one can be a practising non Believer..Aetheist..... Consequently, I fall into the category of....Practising Aetheist.

Incidentally, Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury admits that he often has doubts about the existence of God.

Having repoted that about the Archbishop of Canterbury, it's hardly likely that he will give-up his lifestyle of being surrounded by a staff of more than 20 at Lambeth Palace,which is said to have excellent accommodation and a superb cellar full of top class wines.

Everyone who is human has doubts.
Aye, but doubts without the palace, dresses, fancy hat and a chunk of cash.
At the very least they give you space to think and assemble all your powers of thought. I had written much more - but the screen flickered and it all went. There's much more to it. gness has indicated.
Well, I've just said a prayer for Dizmo. I made it up as I went along and I feel a bit better for having said the words in my head.
It calms people down and gives comfort to many.
Is there not a difference between God and god? So many who profess atheism still cry to God/god in times of crisis, OMG is recognisable even to an old duffer like me, although I'm sure that it is not used in a religious context, in fact my mother would have slapped my legs had I taken the Lord's name in vain like that.
Zebo....even I have been known to use those phrases every now and then. I put it down to a lazy vocabulary and learned behaviour !
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Athiests can safely say 'Oh My God' because they do Not believe in such a being. It's a bit like a Believer not wishing to 'take the name of the Lord in vain', and as an alternative saying Oh Hell.

I said a prayer last night Tilly too, for Dizmo's family as they struggle to come to terms with his sudden death.
I get great comfort from praying, just as I feel very calm at church on Sundays. There's something about admitting that you don't know everything but can ask for help along the way.
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If I attend a Funeral Service, be it in Church, Chapel, Crematorium or whatever, I never bow my head in prayer. Even some Religion Dignitaries do it as something of a formality.

I recall being present at a Funeral Service in an Anglican Church. The Vicar requested the congregation to bow heads in prayer, whereupon the Curate descended with a great show onto his knees and clasped the edges of a small lectern. I merely folded my arms, sat upright and viewed the Vicar reading a prayer. After about two sentences the curate raised his head and proceeded to look around the church and congregation, until his eyes clashed with mine. He really moved quickly to put his head back in a supposed prayer position.

You're a bit of a rebel under that innocent façade aren't you Hans? ;-)
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Mamyalynne....Perhaps I always have been. I went to very Religious School and remember growing my hair well over my collar, in the days when boys had short back and side crops. During a morning's lessons break the Sports Master passed me and said...."Get you haircut Urbancka" I replied "You wouldn't have said that to Samson, Sir". Strange, he didn't stop to discuss matters with me.

You're a lost cause I fear.
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I have always said that I am open to be proved wrong on anything which I post in AB and will acknowledge such.

However as you feel that I am a lost cause, I can assume that you will Not be bothering with me any further on religious matters.


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