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Disgusting People, Wish There Was A Law To Stop Them

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trt | 11:20 Sun 13th Aug 2017 | News
251 Answers
The poor kids! :-(

I think their photo's give you a an idea what type they are, and they probably got well paid for the story!


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Sqad's wish is, of course, my command.
Eccles....I have no interest in celebrity gossip, but is there a link available for the Chris Evans incident ?
Okay,'re settled in the pub garden with the lady of your can't believe your good fortune in meeting this goddess in silk at your time of life........this family arrives and you want to leave...
The lady of your dreams doesn' you......?????.... :-)
I doubt most people would have batted an eyelid, Eccles. I don't think I saw it. This is because these people have purposely gone to the news with this story.
Nice Jim.x
Put me down for one, Mamya....a good sturdy one.... :-(
Will do.
Me too, please, Mamya x
No problem.
gness......that settles it....if i am with the "woman of my dreams" I CERTAINLY wouldn't be in the sort of environment frequented by that brainer.
It's hard not to be judgemental but it's worth trying. I am fairly sure I'd "notice" this family, if they were around, but I'd know well to keep my thoughts to myself, and so should everyone else. And if a little child points and stares then you should surely tell them not to.

As for Star Cloud, the child, I do hope that he is able to make his own choice (or she hers) as the time comes, and isn't pushed by the parents in any one direction. But for the time being, it's up to them how to raise the child, and as long as he's happy then everything else can be addressed when the time comes. I'm wary that maybe he's being pushed to accept things that he doesn't really want to, because he wants to please his parents. But I don't think we can know that yet.
Well, I think they are attention seeking freaks, and if society keeps pandering to weirdos, then the human race will become the sub-human race.
(has it changed then? I still see the old one in my posts but the new one in the post box and at the side).
I see the same as you, Jim.
Bigbad- general intolerance did that already very long time ago.
Oh I hope it happens one day, Sqad.......just for fun.....and you'll be in such a pickle............. ;-)
Thanks Eccles....he is a handsome little fella !
You're still tormenting me with the legs, Jim.... :-(
I wish as some others have said they had not involved the media and just got on with their lives.
have I missed something? Who is the picture of in jim's avatar?

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