TRT has nailed his colours firmly to the mast with his notion that judging people by their appearance is a valid approach to condemning strangers for their decisions in raising their children.
Their appearance is not, in my view, at all relevant, but their use of the achingly right-on PC nonsensical term 'gender fluid, is.
It speaks to a section of society who believe that you can deny biology and 'choose' your gender which is arrant nonsense.
As both parents know from personal experience, transitioning from a distorted gender identity to a comfortable and liveable gender is difficult on so many levels.
I do not believe that this gives them the right to expect their child to 'choose' his gender, which is patently absurd, and does indicate a desire to over-compensate for the abuse and derision they have experienced from society while sorting out their own orientation.
I would not expect my children to wear glasses because I do - that would be ridiculous I am sure most would agree - but the thinking processes are exactly the same - my example simply points out the ludicrousness of their approach to parenting.
Hopefully they will receive some advice from their child's school about the simple fact that trying to give your child invalid choices which he is not old enough to understand, much less make for himself, is not the way to raise a happy and adjusted child.