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jordyboy14 | 07:18 Sun 03rd Sep 2017 | News
85 Answers
I read that the granny shagger is at it again, Colleen should dump him


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jordy I don't mind your header, it happens to be true ! I hope the lovely, loyal Coleen dumps him and fleeces him for all she can get ! As NoM says he's a filthy sleaze ...
13:58 Sun 03rd Sep 2017
What a crass turn of phrase :-(
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Crass but true EcclesCake can't spell pensioner fornicate regards
She won't .
Jordy....this was discussed quite a lot this week, and while I deplore his drink and driving, I'm not sure the expression you have used applies here.

Like Ummm, its sounds a bit crass to me as well.
How old was this granny? very insulting phrase but whatever, she has 3 kids and 1 on the way, not quite the time. Rooney is an utter dik
A bit of a pillock, I will agree.
Oh Dear.
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She was a 48 year old known as the old slapper a grandmother
He's not 'a bit of a pillock'. He's a lousy, cheating, untrustworthy, deceitful husband and father.
Why is this in news?
"She was a 48 year old known as the old slapper a grandmother"

I don't follow stories like this but are your 'facts' ^^^ correct?
I also agree with ummmmcake
Can't see the big deal here.
30 Year old.
£125,000 a week salary.
Wife pregnant and in another country.
Bored out of his mind.
Thick as 2 short planks.

In those circumstances other men, probably the majority would act accordingly.
I would. would !
Too bloody right mikey.......perhaps i would have avoided the drinking bit.;-)
Just been trying to explain to my OH how a lot more marriages would be in trouble if the husbands had the opportunities that someone like Rooney has.
pilloried just for trying to help out a damsel in distress ... i'm assuming the breathalyser machine was faulty
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Maybe the fact that I am an old fogie but I have to disagree with sqad,what happened to moral values?over the last 58 years of marriage I have had opportunities to stray my love for my wife acted as a deterrent you are also putting us men in a poor light
Has Mr Loophole been retained?
you're thick as 2 short planks, Sqad? When did that happen?

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