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jordyboy14 | 07:18 Sun 03rd Sep 2017 | News
85 Answers
I read that the granny shagger is at it again, Colleen should dump him


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jordy I don't mind your header, it happens to be true ! I hope the lovely, loyal Coleen dumps him and fleeces him for all she can get ! As NoM says he's a filthy sleaze ...
13:58 Sun 03rd Sep 2017
Sqad, you have quoted me by mistake.
Khandro....I think that she is 29 years old.
hc.....yes i realised after hitting the submit button ...sorry.
'twas me.
The situation, opportunity and experience is irrelevant. He is still a lying cheat.
...and a drink driver.
mamy/tilly......agreed.....a lying cheat and a drunken driver.

Although, it was my impression that the core of this thread as judged by the posts was focused on his infidelity.

I read that the granny shagger is at it again, Colleen should dump him
My lying cheat remark is referring to his infidelity.
Tilly.....I know, it was quite clear.
There are a lot of them about.
// He's not 'a bit of a pillock'. He's a lousy, cheating, untrustworthy, deceitful husband and father.//

er -typical scouser then ?
In the past I have refused to cover for pals who have been cheating on their wives - a horrid position to be put in
She won't dump him ( for whatever reason) she is an enabler, how many times has he embarrassed his family and still they are together, unfortunately their children are now old enough to understand what the media will report about their father.
Yes, anne. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me
I think it's up to Colleen whether she should dump him, or not.
Hopefully, the legal system will deal with the Drunk-driving charges in an appropriate manner.

Sqad's rather jaundiced opinions on fidelity have been well and widely aired on AnswerBank and are no more than that......his opinions.
She has enough money in her own right to give him the shove. Maybe this time she will.

"Sqad's rather jaundiced opinions on fidelity have been well and widely aired on AnswerBank and are no more than that......his opinions."

Whether or not they are "jaundiced" is in itself a matter of opinion and my opinions are just that "opinions" and what AB is all about apparently.
I hope she does, although it's a shame about the kiddies.
sqad; I see, I've got the wrong end of the stick, but where does the "granny" epithet fit in? or perhaps I shouldn't know.

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