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jordyboy14 | 07:18 Sun 03rd Sep 2017 | News
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I read that the granny shagger is at it again, Colleen should dump him


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jordy I don't mind your header, it happens to be true ! I hope the lovely, loyal Coleen dumps him and fleeces him for all she can get ! As NoM says he's a filthy sleaze ...
13:58 Sun 03rd Sep 2017
You'd put yourself in a better light Jordy if you thought more before you typed such ugly headers.

We know sqad's take on fidelity.
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Sorry I now realise should have read professional football player who once had sexual intercoarse with 48 year old grandmother is at it again doesn't have the same ring to it
I don't give a fig what folk do in private - drink driving however is abysmal and that is the crime.

There was a thread on this yesterday.
He's a filthy sleaze and she should dump him.

jordy I don't mind your header, it happens to be true ! I hope the lovely, loyal Coleen dumps him and fleeces him for all she can get ! As NoM says he's a filthy sleaze ...
The woman to whom he was giving a lift seems to be well ensconced on the gravy train, 'Celebrity' whatever next year?
Wayne and Colleen have chosen a name for the new baby.....Kaylied!
You are all experts on fidelity are you?
You know and understand the psyche of young men on £125,000 a week do you?
Experts on morality ehK
Never strayed yourselves eh?
I love it when ABers dash to the summit of morality.
I don't have much sympathy for Colleen. Ashe. Only been with him for the lifestyle he provides. Why was she out if the country? On yet another holiday, I guess.
Being pedantic,Sqad,it is £300k or thereabouts a week.
I'm no expert on morality , well not on anything really. If ever I had strayed and played away from home during my marriage I don't imagine I'd be boasting about it.

I know it happens, never understood why it's worn as a badge somehow.
So Sqad...would you dip your bread ..even if it meant a pay cut :-)
I understand that Wayne and Colleen were childhood sweethearts. She is not a goldigger
Mamy....who is boasting about infidelity?
I didn't think it was worn as a badge of office.....quite the opposite..covert. Rooney's situation, I am not sure how I would have reacted......probably the same as he did.
Covert? Like kept quiet, not talked about - I see. doesn't tell one's other half that he has had a bit of spare.......does he?
"Sorry darling I am late home, i just popped in to see Veronica"

Nobody knows the incidence of infidelity in the UK, but one can guess, based on personal experience and ONS figures.
Then a lot of people are a 'lousy, cheating, untrustworthy, deceitful individuals. A lot of people doing it doesn't make it right.
I've never cheated - had the opportunities and been tempted, but never done it. Love my wife and family too much to mess up
"A lot of people doing it doesn't make it right."
Quite.....but one could argue what is right an what is isn't against the law to be unfaithful and prostitution, massage parlours and dating sites are a blossoming industry. Clearly quite a call for it.

h.c that is excellent.....morally acceptable but you are just one of 30 million males in the UK. As I have said above, the incidence of infidelity is unknown........although I could make a guess.

The whole point of this thread is ridiculing and moralising about the actions of an individual of which we have no experience or not knowing what we would have done in the same situation.
What is wrong with a woman of 48 enjoying sex with a younger man, there's a lot of it about, ask the President of France.

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