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jordyboy14 | 07:18 Sun 03rd Sep 2017 | News
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I read that the granny shagger is at it again, Colleen should dump him


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jordy I don't mind your header, it happens to be true ! I hope the lovely, loyal Coleen dumps him and fleeces him for all she can get ! As NoM says he's a filthy sleaze ...
13:58 Sun 03rd Sep 2017
Sqad I think this post is regarding Rooney !? is in the heading of the OP

"I read that the granny shagger is at it again, Colleen should dump him"

I have never heard of that expression before, but it's meaning is obvious..LOL
anne...Is it?....thank you.(sqad scratches his head)
h.c...thanks, like Khandro, i wondered where it cam from, but for £45 a go, one can't grumble.
I feel sorry for the children having to read the awful comments and be constantly taunted with sleazy remarks. Pity their dad didn't consider them before he went off with another five minute fame hunter!
Thanks for the link hc
"Rooney reportedly had sex with a 48-year-old grandmother in a rubber catsuit and a mother-of-six dressed as a cowgirl."

Was he dressed as a cowgirl?
You seem overly interested.
From my very limited interest and reading, it would appear that he's done this before and been forgiven. I can't think anyone will believe that he was driving this 'lady' home to her chaste bed, especially when I read that they took a taxi to pick up her car and he was stopped whilst driving it, not far from his own house.

I did follow-up a link and do not think that the young lady was a sweet, innocent girl, for what it's worth. This man has been a hero to thousands of youngsters when he captained England. Shocking example for them - unforgiveable behaviour for that alone.

His wife is right to be outraged - and she should take him to the cleaners i.m.o..
He has always been unfaithful and any partner of a top flight footballer will know that there will be millions of girls wanting to try their luck. It's hard to think of a premiership marriage that hasn't had some infidelity to deal with.
It's the drink driving that is utterly utterly unforgivable.
Quite right Prudie - I'd got caught up in my train of thought. But he has also tainted the minds of children.
police cut their evening short by stopping them as he drove her VW Beetle convertible.

Serves him right for driving around in a girly car ;-)
Thought he was a big girl tone!
I think we need to remember that there are innocent children involved here.
Whether right or wrong he seems to have had cheated. I wonder what his new boss has to say to him or even give him a contact- he should have gone on England tour and not got in any trouble lol What a Wxxxxxer
Berniecuddles2 Thought he was a big girl tone!

I wonder what his new boss has to say to him or even give him a contact

The confrontation came as Everton warned Rooney he would be transfer-listed if he steps out of line again.
Absolutely Tony hope it was worth the £millions it will cost him
Mikes we are talking about Rooney not his children
And to think it was some pink Vokswagen Beetle he was driving, he must have stood out like an erection in a women's club when it came to the police seeing him. Ijiut - and how is he going to explain this to the gorgeous, pouting Colleen?

Not easy, unless it was, "I keep my brains inside my Calvin Klein's, Honey, as you know, and, as John Terry found out."

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