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Have The Left Lost The Plot?

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Spicerack | 08:31 Wed 20th Sep 2017 | News
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Cloverjo Most people in the US wanted Hillary. I'm just about to start reading her new book. Looking forward to it. It was his fault It was her fault It was their fault It wasn't my fault A quick synopsis to save you the time, Cloverjo.
10:32 Wed 20th Sep 2017
Not sure it's the left. Trump is a laughing stock and an embarrassment to the whole country, bar a few crazy nazis.
Fox is owned by Murdoch, and the Dirty Digger has quite a track record of toadying up to those in power. In return for his media empire's loyalty, Murdoch gets decisions that further boost his profits.
Jim, //I'll comment on Trump as I see fit //

You will indeed.
Well done Jim !
Just a bunch of leftie luvvies so who cares what they think?

//Trump is a laughing stock and an embarrassment to the whole country, bar a few crazy nazis.//

He is a laughing stock.
Only to lefties and those who are being exposed.

And if Gromits claim is true there must be more Nazi's in the USA than there were in Germany in the 30's.
Ummm is right....he is a laughing stock, I have many American friends, not all on the left and they are all embarrassed about him.

One said to me only the other day, when I met him in Bath, that it hasn't been this bad since the days of Tricky Dicky, back in the 70's.
I think people are over reacting a bit, it's just celebrities doing what they always do. It was not enough to swing the election, and it's pretty irrelevant now. There are plenty of celebrities who openly support Trump too (Gary Busey, one of the Baldwins, Hulk Hogan, Jon Voight, Aaron Carter, Kid Rock).
YMB - he is mocked on a daily basis on the internet whether it be about his hair, his hands, his fake tan, the way he speaks, his relationship with his daughter....
I agree Krom.

As with any politician he has his supporters and he has his detractors. But claims all the US bar a few Nazi's are against him are just bizzare.
And that makes everyone against him then umm?

I note you dont mention anything that is to do with his presidency.
YMB....I am not sure that anybody is suggesting that "everybody bar a few Nazi" are against him.

I have been a keen student of politics. on both sides of the Atlantic, since I was in my mid teens and I am now nearly 65, and I can honestly say that Trump is the most controversial President in all that time.
One thing is for sure though YMB anyone who gets the Yoghurt knitters pebble dashing their screens with organic Tibetan peace muesli must be doing somersetting right!
I suppose that's based on Gromit's post. It's clearly an exaggeration, but Trump is still not at all popular. I think we're probably at the point where his fans will always be his fans, no matter what -- "I could shoot someone in the street and they'd still love me" [or words to that effect], as Trump once said in the run-up to the election.

Maybe some of his weird gyrations with respect to DACA and dealing with the Democrat Party might have some impact among his hardline support, but who knows? Nevertheless, the thing about Trump is that he isn't popular so much as tolerated.
YMB - it wasn't me who said everyone was against him.

I know plenty of people who like him. I just can't bare to watch him, he makes me cringe.
The thing that really grates about TTT's post, even beyond the idea that making people angry is somehow a good thing entirely independent of why they are angry, is that it's also completely ignorant. Right now, the people most annoyed at Trump are probably Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, leaders of the Republicans in the Senate and the House of Representatives, neither of whom is even remotely a left liberal. Trump is annoying people across the political spectrum, both because of what he says and how he says it. Even if you regard that as a good thing (and, perhaps in a way, it could be, if the shake-up of the establishment is seen as desirable for its own sake), then it's not a good thing because it riles the left.

It just betrays a small-minded, petty form of politics, where the ultimate aim isn't to get things done but to disturb people you don't like.
Jim: I was primarily referring to the luvvies and assorted celebs A list to Z list that get in a tizzy because their non favourite candidate won as well as the liberal elite who pronouce anyone with the wrong view on any given subject "stooopid" etc
Maybe this time, but "at least he's annoying the liberal left" has been a virtually constant refrain of yours since he was a candidate.

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