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End Of Grid Girls......

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Bazile | 13:16 Thu 01st Feb 2018 | News
381 Answers
....In Formula 1

"While the practice of employing grid girls has been a staple of Formula 1 grands prix for decades, we feel this custom does not resonate with our brand values and clearly is at odds with modern day societal norms," Bratches added.

Do you agree or not , with the move ?

Should the ban be extended to other Motor Sports formulas ?


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so could it be done by, for example me? with my mother of four wobbly bits and from my wheelchair? if not they surely we are just admitting that the grid girls are only there to be looked at by others, which IS kind of out of step with today's sensibilities?
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It's all sorted now, using up and coming youngsters from the feeder formulas instead of attractive young women.

Here's hoping they're chaperoned, especially in hotter climes where, legend has it, unsullied flesh is much prized and can attract a healthy price.

Be careful what you wish for.
That's just asking for trouble Douglas.

The vast majority of drivers are male - won't this be considered sexist?
Won't be long until gender equality is achieved, Deskdiary, especially when word gets round that there's very little parking involved. :-)
As has just been said the replacements are 'grid kids' which seems a far better idea.
everyone who who is upset about the demise of grid girls needs to vote with their feet and stop watching/attending F1, then F1 will realise that (apparently) it's NOT the prevailing attitude and change their minds
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By heck this has been a meal and a half of a thread.

I hope the youngsters enjoy their new tasks.
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I used to go with my Dad to the Wrestling (Wrostling as he pronounced it) he used to comment the girls at ringside etc made the place look untidy.

Useless addition but it brought it back to mind.

I preferred the ladies in the front row who were quite prepared to wield their handbags at anyon they perceived to be a baddy.

Grid-Kids, now that should please the Paedos in the Business.

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