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End Of Grid Girls......

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Bazile | 13:16 Thu 01st Feb 2018 | News
381 Answers
....In Formula 1

"While the practice of employing grid girls has been a staple of Formula 1 grands prix for decades, we feel this custom does not resonate with our brand values and clearly is at odds with modern day societal norms," Bratches added.

Do you agree or not , with the move ?

Should the ban be extended to other Motor Sports formulas ?


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Justifiably in my opinion.
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Some posters on here will be attacked , what ever they say - others won't be , even if they write complete drivel at times .

It's a case of those in the blue corner v those in the red corner , come what may .

Twas ever thus - twas ever will be thus
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How come until the darts stopped with the walk on girls and F1 stopped with the Grid Girls we never had a thread about this sort of thing?

Or have and I haven't noticed it?
*have we ^
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I can't recall seeing a thread on these lines, but as you say maybe I have forgotten or missed it.

Maybe it was in the Sport topic - I don't visit there often.
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Hey AOG you alway struck me as someone who liked to attack women - now you have just confirmed it!

Not all women, just certain women and isn't attacking 'all' men, certain women's prime activity.
'Seconds out - Round 11'
Wouldn't know AOG but if you can point me in that direction where a female has attacked a male on the first strike please let me know!!
> Yet from walking around the exhibition you wouldn't know this. Instead you saw men representing their companies wearing expensive tailored suits whilst their female colleagues were expected to wear nothing more than swimsuits. I say bring this to an end now.'

I have done a few shows and would never think to employ "booth babes", as they are called, but the above is quote is completely off. The way it tends to work at shows is that some people are there to attract visitors to the stand, and some people are there to deal with visitors on the stand. The booth babes fall into the first category and they have often been hired for the event, so to call them "colleagues" is misleading. A female doing the same job as a suited male is likely to also be suited.

> Her comments follow weeks of heightened scrutiny over sexism in the United Kingdom.
> At the end of last month, allegations of groping and sexual harassment came to light following the all male Presidents Club dinner, attended by some of the country's richest and most successful businessmen.

This is the really disingenuous part. To suggest groping and sexual harassment is on the same continuum as dressing in skimpy clothing is to imply that such dressing - which is legal - is responsible for such behaviour - which is illegal. That is completely unacceptable, as is the idea that dressing more conservatively would stop groping and sexual harassment and therefore that's what needs to be done.
Blimey, is this still going? Some of you are deliberately-or genuinely- missing the point. Nobody has complained about attractive women, or what they wear. If they were in the crowd, or being filmed as drivers/ girlfriends etc, nobody would think anything of it. It's the idea, in this day and age, that you can still pay women to be decoration, like bits of tinsel.
It's interesting that unlike other threads with "all-women shortlists", there don't seem to be many men complaining that they would be disqualified from this job because of their sex. Even though it is apparently valuable and enjoyable. It's fine for women to demean themselves, but men are a bit above all that.
If it means another generation not growing up with these inbuilt kinds of attitudes, it is well overdue to be stopped.
I think you're the one missing the point Pixie.

You think the women are demeaning themselves but, crucially, they don't.
They are demeaning all of us... so that's irrelevant. Just look at other News threads (and this one) to see general attitudes to women. There are plenty of appropriate places, online, etc, to find attractive men, women if you like. It's the effect on children's minds that is unhealthy. You have to look at the bigger picture sometimes- not just ask a handful of people with a vested interest.
Why didn't we have all this bother years ago when Miss Great Britain started?
Anyway you can all relax because Formula 1 have decided to use kids now instead of girls. How long before Social Services get involved?

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