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End Of Grid Girls......

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Bazile | 13:16 Thu 01st Feb 2018 | News
381 Answers
....In Formula 1

"While the practice of employing grid girls has been a staple of Formula 1 grands prix for decades, we feel this custom does not resonate with our brand values and clearly is at odds with modern day societal norms," Bratches added.

Do you agree or not , with the move ?

Should the ban be extended to other Motor Sports formulas ?


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, it's not like everyone in the whole world has said that people who want to use their bodies to make a living can't. How many grid girls does f1 have anyway? 14:37 Thu 01st Feb 2018Report
Avatar Image andy-hughes mushroom - // if not in the sports arena, where would "eye candy" belong Andy? //

I think that's rather the point, in 2018, 'eye candy' doesn't actually belong anywhere.///
Lol, unfortunate timing on those^ 2 posts. (the first one was from Bedknobs, if you're interested) Most revealing.
I don't ever recall seeing a grid girl in F1 parading around in just knickers and vest.
I wonder how many have spoken to the young women who do this. I have. I’ll confirm that they are just ordinary young women doing a job. What Dave said about Hannah (13.48) pretty much sums it up.

It’s true, most of them look glamorous when they put on their work outfits. Fact is that off-duty, without the make-up and in normal clothes, many of them would not attract a second glance.

I’ll say one thing about all of them I’ve spoken to. They are bubbly, sociable, fun people to be with. Every last one of them. But then I try not to be creepy….

The glamour really is not the point.

F1 is a global business. Most of the growth is in China, India, the middle East and other locations where social attitudes are quite different from in this country.

There is a myth among Chinese men that all western women are ‘easy’

see this story:

The author is one of the smartest commentators on China and elsewhere that I read and follow. But because Chinese men see grid girls and others wearing clothes that (to them) signal sexual availability, they think western girls enjoy being raped.

F1 is a global business. They know that having glamorous young women on the grid causes social difficulties in countries that are less sexually-liberated than the UK or Monaco.

I enjoy talking to the grid girls. They enjoy their jobs. Their job is to bring people in; to distribute publicity and to help create a positive impression of their clients. It’s a job, for Chrisssake. It helps them develop their careers on a safe corporate gig. It’s sad that some men objectify those women.

But dressing that way is inappropriate in the F1 growth areas of the world. That, I strongly suspect is the rationale behind this decision. The bosses might spin it as showing more respect to women, but the real reason is probably a bit less noble.
Assuming you are correct, I think that's a fairly noble reason. They can't keep the girls safe so they will stop employing them. They don't to want their brand associated with that objective attitude to women and the ensuing risk of rape so they are ceasing to present them in a way that may imply that.
What?????? Surely we are not saying that the girls are out of work because the Chinese and Arabs perceive them to be girls who are inviting rape? We are though aren't we! See the two previous posts!
Not even just them, togo... you see it here too- just watch the news threads.
Nah, not saying that at all.

There will still be plenty of jobs for those women in less global activities than F1.

I'm saying the F1 bosses do not want to upset their governmental hosts by promoting standards of dress and behaviour inappropriate to their hosts.
You don't understand, Togo. It's the men's culture in other countries.
Best not offend them by putting temptation in their way.
You can't have it both ways girls.
Lets have a trade off.....get rid of the birds and lets have some V8/10's back!
I never buy a new car unless it has a scantily glad woman on the bonnet. It drives the wife crazy.
Doesn't she fall off when you take the first corner?
ds..please describe 'scantily glad'
What is "both ways" David?
Hang on folks, this isn't a premium rate call line :-)
Lol! Naughty step for you.... :-)
I've obviously misunderstood the content of the link posted at 15:02.
I take ita line's been drawn under it and we've moved on, whistling.
I'll go again just in case it was missed in all the hypocrisy. :-)
Oh you are naughty. Scantily clad...i.e. Wearing a scant:)
Do you understand the difference, Douglas, between athletes taking part... and women there purely to look attractive?
Damn those pretty girls for doing a job they love and getting paid to do so.

They're an absolute disgrace.

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