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Theresa May: We Risk Ending Up With No Brexit At All

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naomi24 | 06:37 Sun 15th Jul 2018 | News
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//The prime minister has issued a stark warning to MPs that failure to back her plan for Brexit would risk the UK not leaving the EU at all.//

A stark warning? One could be forgiven for thinking she’s worried about flouting the democratic will of the people. Nigel Farage, speaking on ‘The Wright Stuff’ a couple of days ago, said that delaying tactics could be employed until the eleventh hour when Article 50 would be suspended. Is the real end plan coming to fruition? I think so.


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That’s not necessarily true, Gromit. See the first couple of posts on this thread.

Leave voters are suddenly realising that a largely pro EU Govt are finding it hard to come up with a deal which the EU can even consider. We’ll, blow me down wiv a fevver an no mistake, really!
Trump thinks Britain should sue the EU rather than negotiate with them.

He must think compensation culture is the British way.

If the Government can’t come up with a deal, the EU will impose one. They will knock back the May Plan and tell us what brexit will be like. We are definitely leaving, but the Government is failing to prepare for what happens afterwards.
//Togo, I’m talking about the immediate tariffs on our exports, not our imports. //

We know. Like the hand wringers, and faint hearted amongst us do constantly. It is about time to threaten them back, instead of roiling over to have your tubby tummy tickled.
That quote shows she has to be replaced. She is tasked with ensuring Brexit occurs, and here she seems to threaten not doing so. And what's this nonsense about her not allowing the EU to water down her deal ? It's already 90% water. She has to go, and go now.
No the EU won't impose one. It's blatant that the EU can't impose a deal on any sovereign country without the country concerned choosing to accept it.
May won’t go. But if she did, she would not be replaced by a Brexiter such as Boris or JRM. The Government is pro EU, so they would get another pro EU to lead.
‘If the Government can’t come up with a deal, the EU will impose one’

Correct. But they won’t impose one which is deteremental to them.

OG, I’m afraid you’re wrong. Article 50 is very clear that all 27 member states except the leaving one, will meet to agree the terms of their leaving.
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Zacs, //Blaiming remain voters for this situation is ludicrous.//

Again, the ‘Not me guv’ syndrome. Remain voters have done everything in their power to thwart the will of the people – and that includes those Remainers in parliament. Yes, Leavers were naïve, but only insofar as they trusted democracy was still alive and well in this country. What a silly idea!
He’s, I’m afraid we’re stuck with May until this is done. I think it would have happened over the Chequers debacle if it were to happen at all.
Not leaving at all was what every political party except UKIP (with its one MP) wanted anyway.
Mrs May is on record as saying that leaving the EU, would be a 'Disaster' for the UK and that the concept of leaving was 'fundamentally flawed'. She has repeatedly refused to say that she personally supports 'Brexit' and instead just makes non committal comments such as ''Brexit means Brexit'' I have said on here several times that I think Mrs May has been set up to make a 'Heroic Failure' of getting out of the EU.
She will be able to say ''I tried everything possible to get us out of the EU so it is not my fault that have not been able to do it''
At first I suggested this idea as a joke, but now every passing day makes it seem more and more likely.
Of course May's capitulations aren't Brexit. Brexit is out and a return to sovereignty, it's not a case if what type of Brexit, any form has to have that basic result. How much remainer spin can be created ?
We have handed in our resignation by invoking Aticle 50. Are you seriously saying that the EU cannot accept it ?

Of course they can, and will.

Ultimately, the EU call the shots on what sort of brexit we get. If the British proposals are not acceptable they can and will reject them, and impose a different Brexit. Then it will be up to us to accept their proposals for leaving, or chance our minds and stay.
Naomi, blaming remain voters for the mess were in is like blaming the Jews for the holocaust. Illogical and profoundly naive. But you crack on saying that if it makes you feel better.
Or just walk away without a deal.
^to OG^
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Gromit, //We have handed in our resignation by invoking Aticle 50. Are you seriously saying that the EU cannot accept it ? //

Nigel Farage seems to think it's possible we will suspend it - and I doubt very much the EU will argue with that. Job done.
Togo, I thought the threat we were making to the EU WAS no deal? No deal means the immediate imposition of tariffs. That’s not hand wringing, it’s fact.
I’ve already pointed out that ‘we’ can’t suspend it , Naomi.
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xzacs, //blaming remain voters for the mess were in is like blaming the Jews for the holocaust.//

I can hardly believe you've said that. Scraping the barrel doesn't come close. Utterly despicable.

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