Quizzes & Puzzles53 mins ago
What Are Your Thoughts On This?
https:/ /www.bb c.co.uk /news/a v/healt h-46634 595/sho uld-the -nhs-pa y-for-t ransgen der-fer tility- treatme nt
My belief is that no. They should not pay for transgender fertility treatment.
My belief is that no. They should not pay for transgender fertility treatment.
at a time when NHS is stretched trying to treat the very ill...no kind of vanity surgery should be offered... cosmetic or otherwise.. it is not a right to parent a child.... even without transgender complication s... the sick should have priority over everything
07:05 Tue 01st Jan 2019
Sorry cassa for your post going awry. Theland, you are selfish because you already have something that someone else desperately wants, maybe you would feel differently if you and your wife had been unable to conceive. And I am an adult and I will not be told to shut up by a bigoted, blinkered, alleged Christian or anyone else.
Mamya - How?
Standing up for myself by defending myself from groundless accusations and insults?
I am well able to give as good as I get!
Do these posters think I am a stupid shrinking violet?
I got called SELFISH for having children that I funded!
Are people with less children than me us a LITTLE BIT selfish then?
Crazy logic and damned insulting from that dried up old biddy!
Standing up for myself by defending myself from groundless accusations and insults?
I am well able to give as good as I get!
Do these posters think I am a stupid shrinking violet?
I got called SELFISH for having children that I funded!
Are people with less children than me us a LITTLE BIT selfish then?
Crazy logic and damned insulting from that dried up old biddy!
Obviously one individual pregnancy is not going to count for anything re: population growth. But it's a question of policy. The upshot of publicly funding fertility treatments in general is that there will be more births than there would be otherwise. We do need to make some kind of decision about what our attitude to parenthood is going to be in circumstances of overpopulation (and in particular of increasing the birthrate in carbon-heavy economies). The question of publicly funded fertility treatments can't be answered without it. If you think that having children is a fundamental right (and what could be a more basic right?) then it's pretty hard to argue against it as a justifiable policy. If you don't, then it becomes significantly harder to defend.
As I said before, if you're in favour of fertility treatments being publicly funded in principle, it's very difficult to see why trans people should not be eligible (other than sheer bigotry, of course). But that is a big 'if' and begs a more interesting question about what our attitudes to parenthood should be.
As I said before, if you're in favour of fertility treatments being publicly funded in principle, it's very difficult to see why trans people should not be eligible (other than sheer bigotry, of course). But that is a big 'if' and begs a more interesting question about what our attitudes to parenthood should be.
Now now everybody, let’s not all get too excited.
Theland you should be more respectful of the discussion. You don’t have to agree with anything that’s said but you just went off on a bit of a silly but vile nonetheless squidge and I think you should just keep to the topic.
I believe the NHS can’t afford to fund fertility treatment along with elective ’feelgood’ cosmetic surgery. Obviously there are some instances of a real need such as after serious accident and such like but ‘I feel bad about myself so give me a boob job/nose job/tummy tuck or whatever’ should be knocked on the head.
Mind you I also believe the NHS needs serious reform. But that’s another thread lol
Theland you should be more respectful of the discussion. You don’t have to agree with anything that’s said but you just went off on a bit of a silly but vile nonetheless squidge and I think you should just keep to the topic.
I believe the NHS can’t afford to fund fertility treatment along with elective ’feelgood’ cosmetic surgery. Obviously there are some instances of a real need such as after serious accident and such like but ‘I feel bad about myself so give me a boob job/nose job/tummy tuck or whatever’ should be knocked on the head.
Mind you I also believe the NHS needs serious reform. But that’s another thread lol