Film, Media & TV1 min ago
What Are Your Thoughts On This?
https:/ / /news/a v/healt h-46634 595/sho uld-the -nhs-pa y-for-t ransgen der-fer tility- treatme nt
My belief is that no. They should not pay for transgender fertility treatment.
My belief is that no. They should not pay for transgender fertility treatment.
at a time when NHS is stretched trying to treat the very kind of vanity surgery should be offered... cosmetic or otherwise.. it is not a right to parent a child.... even without transgender complication s... the sick should have priority over everything
07:05 Tue 01st Jan 2019
This amount of money to the NHS is negligible compared to what the NHS has to spend on treating diseases caused by smoking, over-eating, drinking, drug-taking and driving like an idiot.
If we deny these fertility treatments then we should deny every other treatment that has a preventable cause.
The issue is - it's fashionable to shout about transgender people but if we were honest, we should focus our attention on smokers first. The cost of smoking to the NHS in England in 2015 was £2.5billion.
The cost of IVF in the UK is usually around £5,000 per cycle of treatment. Women under 40 can be offered up to three cycles of IVF if they've been trying to conceive for more than two years without success or they have had 12 cycles of artificial insemination and this hasn't worked.
It's worth remembering, however, that local Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) will also have their own criteria to add to this.
Total health spending in England was around £125 billion. The banning of transgender fertility treatments is not going to impact this figure.
And it would be morally wrong too.
This amount of money to the NHS is negligible compared to what the NHS has to spend on treating diseases caused by smoking, over-eating, drinking, drug-taking and driving like an idiot.
If we deny these fertility treatments then we should deny every other treatment that has a preventable cause.
The issue is - it's fashionable to shout about transgender people but if we were honest, we should focus our attention on smokers first. The cost of smoking to the NHS in England in 2015 was £2.5billion.
The cost of IVF in the UK is usually around £5,000 per cycle of treatment. Women under 40 can be offered up to three cycles of IVF if they've been trying to conceive for more than two years without success or they have had 12 cycles of artificial insemination and this hasn't worked.
It's worth remembering, however, that local Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) will also have their own criteria to add to this.
Total health spending in England was around £125 billion. The banning of transgender fertility treatments is not going to impact this figure.
And it would be morally wrong too.