ChatterBank6 mins ago
Whipped For Loving..
religion of peace..mmm the face of islam you do not see on bbc, i wonder why..guess trump is more news worthy, considered a racist..but hey whats happening is ok though.
https:/ /www.da ilymail news/ar ticle-7 306503/ Woman-b reaks-p ublicly -whippe d-100-t imes-ha ving-pr e-marit al-sex- Indones ia.html #commen ts
Ignorance and mockery from the usual quarters I see. (And since I started writing this post a believer in moral relativism: all cuktures and practices are qual.) Another normal crazy day on AB then. Aceh province is a part of "moderate" Indonesia which has adopted Sharia and its penal code the hadood. Whippings, stonings and amputations are not extreme,...
21:03 Wed 31st Jul 2019
// Spath, is whipping someone for having sex outside marriage a ‘decent’ punishment? Is stoning a woman to death for committing adultery a ‘decent’ punishment?//
ah as Thomas Aquinas might say - justice is constantly striving to give a man his rights....
I would give Justice a much more Marxist definition - a set of rules that describes how certain officials ( judges) will act in certain cirucmstances ( court cases)
just about every legal system has: ignorance of the law is no excuse
so it boils down to: if you go to a country where they beat people for having sex in the street - then if you go to that country, expect....
as for do the heathens and pagans have dominion over us?
yes - Phillipians - greeting to those of us in Caesar's household
So Nero had christians in the domus aurea ( domus or - wha'? ) and had dominion over them....AD60
Clearly if it comes down to reading Ni'd deep thoughts ( again ) or Aquinas, Aquinas won.
ah as Thomas Aquinas might say - justice is constantly striving to give a man his rights....
I would give Justice a much more Marxist definition - a set of rules that describes how certain officials ( judges) will act in certain cirucmstances ( court cases)
just about every legal system has: ignorance of the law is no excuse
so it boils down to: if you go to a country where they beat people for having sex in the street - then if you go to that country, expect....
as for do the heathens and pagans have dominion over us?
yes - Phillipians - greeting to those of us in Caesar's household
So Nero had christians in the domus aurea ( domus or - wha'? ) and had dominion over them....AD60
Clearly if it comes down to reading Ni'd deep thoughts ( again ) or Aquinas, Aquinas won.
spath - // I get what you're staying Andy.. a big man with power does what he wants.
All i'm saying is if 20 little men didn't want that to happen, they could stand up to him. However, they let it happen, because it's their culture.
The people being lashed know this. //
That's a beautiful fantastical assumption, I suggest you leave it in fiction-land where it belongs.
Here in the real world, have a look at the news in Hong Kong, where rather more than 'twenty little men' are trying to change things - and dying for their trouble.
All i'm saying is if 20 little men didn't want that to happen, they could stand up to him. However, they let it happen, because it's their culture.
The people being lashed know this. //
That's a beautiful fantastical assumption, I suggest you leave it in fiction-land where it belongs.
Here in the real world, have a look at the news in Hong Kong, where rather more than 'twenty little men' are trying to change things - and dying for their trouble.
spath - // The parents reactions would say a lot about the culture. //
You think so?
I can find you people who think that Peter Sutcliffe was right to do as he did - but that doesn't reflect on the culture whose laws have imprisoned him for life for his crimes.
I am not sure where you pluck these reactions from - either you are simply winding people up, or you seriously scatter-gun whatever comes into your head, however illogical and ill-considered it is.
You think so?
I can find you people who think that Peter Sutcliffe was right to do as he did - but that doesn't reflect on the culture whose laws have imprisoned him for life for his crimes.
I am not sure where you pluck these reactions from - either you are simply winding people up, or you seriously scatter-gun whatever comes into your head, however illogical and ill-considered it is.
spath - // It's bordering a fine racist line where you imply that "We are better than them"... Especially if you come out an say it like that. //
It has nothing to do with racism!!!
I am not condemning these people because they have brown skin, I am condemning them because they are barbaric psychopaths, I have no interest on what colour they are!!!
It has nothing to do with racism!!!
I am not condemning these people because they have brown skin, I am condemning them because they are barbaric psychopaths, I have no interest on what colour they are!!!
spath - // To say you are better than anyone due to their culture standards, is racist. //
Do me a favour, check what the word 'racist' means would you - then you can use it accurately in a debate.
Firslty I am not refering to 'culture standards' I am referring to lawlessness and violence, which somewhat transcend such concepts, and secondly, racism involves criticising someone on the basis of their ethcnity , which is not what I am doing here.
I am happy to debate with you, but only if you can demonstrate that we are actually discussing the same thing.
Do me a favour, check what the word 'racist' means would you - then you can use it accurately in a debate.
Firslty I am not refering to 'culture standards' I am referring to lawlessness and violence, which somewhat transcend such concepts, and secondly, racism involves criticising someone on the basis of their ethcnity , which is not what I am doing here.
I am happy to debate with you, but only if you can demonstrate that we are actually discussing the same thing.
spath - // No, that's what you think. //
It is what I think, but what I think is also underlined by the standards of any civilised society, including ours.
But in fact, you think that simply because of the way their culture goes about things... That is racist. //
Not it's not - as advised, please look up the word for its meaning.
Thank you.
It is what I think, but what I think is also underlined by the standards of any civilised society, including ours.
But in fact, you think that simply because of the way their culture goes about things... That is racist. //
Not it's not - as advised, please look up the word for its meaning.
Thank you.