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Off Duty Police Headbutter

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spathiphyllum | 09:54 Thu 10th Oct 2019 | News
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Ahh it all makes sense now! The sadism of the met. Vile. I can not believe the off duty cop isn't facing retribution. Reasonable force? Pffft. What kind of example does this set! Absolutely vile.


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As has been said the guy was already restrained If this copper is willing to head butt the guy in full glare of the public ; when any threat was already neutralised ;i wonder what he is prepared to do to other people , when there is no one around in a non life threatening situation . Whatever you think of the guy is irrelevant in the circumstances I certainly wouldn't...
13:30 Thu 10th Oct 2019
// was an under cover police officer for the met. //

I think he was off duty, not undercover.

Remember this tragic story?...

If there's a tendency to take a 'better safe than sorry' approach to aggressive people and threats of violence, blame the knife carriers
and the terrorists, not the people doing their best to keep others safe.
Spath, you stated that the fact that the assailant was a police officer was news.It clearly isn't :- ^12.53^.
I can't believe that some on here think it acceptable behaviour by a police officer to head but this person , in order to restrain him
I'm afraid the copper hadn't got his taser with him, so the next best thing to stun.
He was already restrained. This was neither self-defence or defence of others. Just anger.
Seems reasonable force to me. Go round threatening to stab people and any force is reasonable.

Pity the copper didnt have a gun would have been one less piece of scum.
I can't believe I share airspace with some people!!
I've seen up 6 police officers trying to restrain someone high on drugs and its still a struggle. Unless you were their at that moment no one knows. All I know is he kept the public safe.
As has been said the guy was already restrained

If this copper is willing to head butt the guy in full glare of the public ; when any threat was already neutralised ;i wonder what he is prepared to do to other people , when there is no one around in a non life threatening situation .

Whatever you think of the guy is irrelevant in the circumstances

I certainly wouldn't want to be pulled up by this copper on a dark night
The feeling is mutual Ummm.
I am sure this copper was more than a bit angry. I used to get hacked off as well when my plans were interrupted by some miscreant which I had to deal with whilst 'off duty'.
Of course I suppose the only other vocation where you have to place yourself back on duty, 24/7, in the interests of the good public is in the medical profession. The armchair lawyers can switch off anytime and walk away. :-(
"I certainly wouldn't want to be pulled up by this copper on a dark night"

Why, do you carry knives and threaten people with them?
//I certainly wouldn't want to be pulled up by this copper on a dark night//
I am sure you won't be if you behave yourself and don't threaten innocent bystanders with violence. On the other side of the coin if you were set upon, on a dark night, by three violent thugs you would be happy to see him on or off duty wouldn't you?
Clearly he wouldn't Retro.
Ummmm, you can't be surprised at the comments after all these years surely?

Spath, not ignoring the issue but I said all I needed to on the original thread and my views haven;t changed.
My goodness spath, don't you get on your high horse for someone you don't even know or are ever likely too, is there steam coming out of your ears at all ?? This man was trying to sit on the heads of other people in their seats and he had hold of the off duty cop and was shouting and being a bloody nuisance. I don't give a stuff that the policeman head butted him, why should I, I don't know him and like I said he was being a bloody nuisance and needed stopping. I am glad there is going to be no action against the off duty cop. Not bothered about the 'example he sets', it doesn't affect me in any way at all. You need to get a grip imo !
And I've watched many a police programme where the police are verbally abused, physically abused, screamed at, spat on etc etc etc just for doing their jobs and protecting the public. Is it any wonder that just sometimes they get sick to the back teeth of it and, being human, retaliate on occasion ??
As stated by bazile this was an incident witnessed by a carriageful of passengers and on video phone and perhaps CCTV. The passengers had been threatened with violence,subjected to fear and assault.If just one passenger made a complaint against this officer to the Independent Police Complaints Authority then this officer's feet would not have touched the ground.
Clearly No complaint was made. Why Not ? We could assume that they collectively breathed a sigh of relief that someone could relieve them of their ordeal and save the day.
They were there and ,alone ,know if they thought this officer was excessive in the way he dealt with it. Appears they were happy to see it concluded.
Totally agree retro.
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HereIAm your lack of empathy is your problem, not mine.

Empathy just allows me to not be blinded by nonsense to come to a decision about an incident.

"why should I"

Because it could have been you, or your parents, or your children?

And to agree it was a retaliation that wasn't necessary but OK because he got a bit frustrated is totally pathetic, and shows your moral attitude.

"why should I, I don't know him"

It must be a nice position to be in, not caring about anyone except yourself and those you personally know.

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