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Do You Think That Terrorists Can Be

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emmie | 09:25 Wed 04th Dec 2019 | News
191 Answers
rehabilitated, those say who languish in our prisons.


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Have terrorists like the IRA been 'rehabilitated' or have they just accepted the situation while continuiong their 'struggle' in less overt ways? People like Adams and the late not-lamented McGuiness will always be regarded as terrorists by me, as my mother used to say You can't polish a turd. A lot of this debate about releasing terrorists is about playing...
11:24 Wed 04th Dec 2019
Pixie, //There seems to be a conflation sometimes on these kinds of threads, between muslims, lapsed muslims, extremists, terrorists, so it is helpful to know which is being referred to. //

You might find this interesting.
Pixie374, it's easy... We're talking about terrorists. There is only one user fixated on Islam.
TD, you might find that link interesting too - although I doubt it. You would have to be interested in education to find it beneficial.
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TD, let's be civil to one another please, this is a legit
question and you have made your feelings known...
Emmie, it's hard to stay civil whilst you have one user being uncivil towards "Muslims" on a thread about "terrorists".

Do You Think That Terrorists Can Be Rehabilitated is the question of the thread.
Interesting, yes, but not too relevant. They have questioned people who don't understand what the word "moderate" means. And while I know full well that there are some as you describe, there are very many more who don't wish to harm anyone else (the vast majority of female muslims for a start, and the majority of males). Whatever people believe, is fine, until it starts affecting others... I am never sure tbh, whether you really do believe the majority of muslims have the aim of harming us?
Naomi will now divert from Muslims, and discuss how Islam intends to harm us. it's not exactly a 180 but more a 270.
TD, that is not helpful. It is worth acknowledging when others are more educated in different subjects. None of us will learn anything if we think we already know everything about everything.
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138, is 138 too many... but as a percentage of muslims in the country... i actually thought that figure would be much higher.
125, sorry... I included the Irish terrorists.
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it could be, its the Guardian after all.
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looks like some are being picked up, following on from fridays attack. I find it quite frightening to be honest
that these people are out on the streets.
I can't find the percentage of how many muslims in the UK have committed a terrorist act. I don't know if anyone else can? The only statistic I'm getting is that Muslim attacks get 347% more media coverage than any others.
People that have been indoctrinated into cults, which is basically what we're talking about here, can be successfully deprogrammed.

However, that doesn't mean they should be rehabilitated - ie allowed back into society, for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, you can never really know whether the deprogramming is successful. The risk of relapse is always there, and not worth taking.
Secondly, they don't deserve the chance. Some crimes are so great - ie random mass murder - that they should result in exclusion from society forever.

I don't buy this concept that you have to be mentally ill to commit an atrocity. I think you can also be just a bad person, and/or deeply misguided.
Ludwig, "criminality" is a genetic trait. There has to be a degree inbuilt to persuade a person to actually commit a violent crime.
Definitely not. On the whole they are devious, contriving, cunning and would say and do anything to have us believe they are reformed characters. Why waste time on working with them? Who can say 100% that the person is no threat any more after counselling and rehabilitation classes. They will do and say anything to'pull the wool' over our eyes. For goodness sake just look at the murderers ,supposedly reformed , released and then gone on to kill again. If we can't reform them what chance do we have with terrorists.
Get rid and stop filling the prisons up with vermin. Pity we don't have a firing squad.
TD, how have I been uncivil towards Muslims?
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Usman Khan's parents said they were shocked and horrified i think it was over their son's murderous behaviour. If so he didn't become like it from them

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