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Duke Of Edinburgh In Hospital.

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Theland | 17:24 Fri 20th Dec 2019 | News
83 Answers
98 and gone into hospital for a check up on a pre existing condition.
Has had a good run after landing on his feet all those years ago.
A very fortunate man.
Has, "worked hard," and, "supported the Queen," and given, "a life of service to our country."
Oh dear. Tears welling up in my eyes.


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I hope he recovers and manages to join the rest of his family at Sandringham.

I would rather have our royal family than that of either Trump or Putin or any other dictator for that matter.

I've been lucky enough to meet the Queen a couple or so times and she is a very considerate and pleasant person.
I'm sure Her Maj will be kept informed of what's what and doubt she would have gone to Sandringham if it was really serious.

LJ, a friend of mine met the Queen once and was most impressed with her knowledgable questions and made her feel at ease to answer them.
(It was a garden party thingy)
Would of liked to of gone out and had a pint with him
In the end... no matter what his job is... he is a frail and ill 98 year old man. I think most people would wish him well.
Hi Alba. Not a Garden Party but at St James's Palace every time. Don't think I was ever important enough to get invited to a Garden Party.
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I'm not mean, neither do I do italics.
I love the idea of a head of state that is above politics.
The Israeli or Irish presidents spring to mind, although they are elected.
But it annoys me all the fawning and fussing over one cosseted man when there are many men who have done more for this country, and been less of a burden.
Unearned privelege leaves a bad taste.
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Oh yes, as a frail 98 year old man I really do wish him well.
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Remember the, "Gin Bin," the Queen Mother, with, "that smile," spent her days backing horses, hosting dinner parties and running up debts, with a reduced staff of about a dozen.
The same sycophantic sickness prevailed then.
LJ, friend was 'gob-smacked' and utterly bemused as to why she'd been invited.
Her circle of family and friends knew but she didn't see herself as doing anything out of the ordinary :-) x

TL, I think Prince Philip did a little something with boats in WW2 - early life wasn't all glitz and glamour

I hope he gets out of hospital soon.
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Was he in a different league then?
What thoroughly nasty remarks from Theland. You should be ashamed. I see your spirit of Christian charity is in full flow.
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Jackdaw, but the truth eh?
What has your remark about Christianity got to do with the thread?
Jim is English. He's just a wannabe Scot.
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Jackdaw - I would like to see ALL elderly folk getting the same care as the DoE.
Or is it right he should be singled out for special treatment?
No...Theland!! It's wealth envy again.

I hope Prince Philip will be well.
I would like to see ALL elderly folk getting the same care as the DoE.

So would I, Theland. And happily have a talk with him about anything over a pint or two and disregard this modern day PC carp.
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Ummm - "Wealth Envy, " a phrase coined by the wealthy to justify their privileged position, and swallowed hook, lime and sinker by the gullible.
As long as he’s not, in the words of Chris Rea, “driving home for Christmas” then I’m sure he’ll be fine :-)
And I wish him well too of course.
No personal animosity to any of them but (as a Republican) I think the whole concept of an hereditary monarchy is at odds with modern society. Restoring Charles 2nd to the throne was a bad mistake IMV.
I have a few health matters I'd like checked since everybody's in a caring and helpful mood.

I won't hold my breath, in brings on my cough. Just give me a call when it's my turn.

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