jim360//Also I wouldn't expect Trump to be an expert scientist, but I *would* expect him to defer more often to medical experts on such matters. For some reason he seems to think that a deployable CoViD-19 vaccine is only a few months away, but it's closer to over a year.
It's important for him to get his facts right, and not to confuse the issue by making these sorts of mistakes. That's common sense and should be above politics. You know what I think of him, but I hope you can see past that to the more serious point that with an impending pandemic we need to rely on world leaders either to know what they are talking about, or to know when to shut up and let the experts speak.02:00 Wed 04th Mar 2020//
Let's hope Trump is right and you and the 'experts' are wrong, jim,,,,,,,,,,,for once, lol.