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///Nurses and care workers and mothers wash people's feet. // ///

What an odd comment but why stop there. They give bed baths as well. Out of necessity to help those who are incapacitated and not as a photo opportunity press stunt. It is meaningless and will not bring George Floyd back. If it could I would go over and wash their feet as well.
Left wing people are cucks and love to debase themselves. It's sad, very sad.
// a criminal lowlife piece of excrement ends up brown bread whilst resisting arrest and the rozzers feel ......//
"foo-den far!" - that is what I say

feet washing is a christian tradition you godless dumb clucks.....
happens every easter
jesus - - - ( jesus seems strangely relevant when it comes to washing feet -I er wonder (TIC) if he ever did that himself and whether anyone er (TIC - looks around in star struck wonder and yet child like innocence) was around to record same - video, paper, photo, parchemnt, papyrus - that sortta fing)
now I have seen it all
no you aint seen anyfing yet !
AB can sink
will they remove verrucas and corns, in grown toenails...and that athletes foot, pedegg for that hardskin.
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Sadly they don't always read the link and think it's like a pedicure or a chiropody appointment.

Never mind.
What happened to social distancing?
Oh come on, Mamyalynne. Surely you haven't lost your sense of humour.
They are making an effort - keeping two feet at arms length...
//It is meaningless and will not bring George Floyd back. If it could I would go over and wash their feet as well. //

Not that I have any admiration for a career thug who robs pregnant women at gunpoint. I just don't like to see police officers seriously injured with a collapsed lung ,criminal damage and disrespect shown to our National flag by equally criminal morons who display their allegiance under another banner.
Sorry if I sidestepped the humour Naomi, one of those days.

Hopefully I never will lose it :-)
I honestly fail to see the point of this for anyone involved - except as an attention-seeking PR stunt, which rather acts at odds with the advised reason for the exercise.
I can understand how this ritual may look odd to many, I am however a bit surprised that they haven't come across it before.
This ritualistic cleansing of the feet is in no way a guarantee that they will all become soul-brothers and sisters.
Pathetic, there's a mins silence tonight at nine to remember George, a mins silence for a criminal, think ill put the cult on full blast.
Any old cult or The Cult?
^ You're joking! In this country or USA??

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