Quizzes & Puzzles19 mins ago
T R O P Men At It Again.........
230 Answers
https:/ /news.s ky.com/ story/c alderda le-and- bradfor d-29-me n-charg ed-over -allege d-child -sexual -exploi tation- of-fema le-vict im-1230 4695
why does it take so long to get these savages out of circulation?
why does it take so long to get these savages out of circulation?
//Thank god most realise it's about maleness and not religion. // If 'maleness' is the fundamental problem we would see male names from an assortment of cultures on that list - but we don't. Those people who allegedly 'realise', consistently ignore the elephant in the room and are in denial - and denial of this on-going abuse does nothing to help the victims....
22:02 Wed 12th May 2021
Here is the vile thought. The "people" (mainly women it seems) who actively defend these creatures are the same ones who were in a frenzy of anger and recrimination when a fantasist was accusing aged, white, mainly Conservative, establishment figures of child rape and multiple murder. The police even joined the pecking parties. They are the very same people who have promoted the concept of "hate crime" and manufactured the means to administer it. Their say so of course. Worry for your children's and their children's freedoms and rights.
https:/ /www.sp ectator .co.uk/ article /the-ho me-offi ce-s-gr ooming- report- is-an-e xercise -in-obf uscatio n
This piece from the Spectator looks at some of the data manipulation in the Home Office report. It comes as no surprise to me that the Guardian doesn't go into the details - it's giving its readers what they want to believe, and the facts get in the way of the fantasy.
The Home Office report is just the latest in a long line of false narratives concerning Muslim rape gangs in towns and cities throughout the UK - everyone knows they're real, the scale of the problem can no longer be ignored.
This piece from the Spectator looks at some of the data manipulation in the Home Office report. It comes as no surprise to me that the Guardian doesn't go into the details - it's giving its readers what they want to believe, and the facts get in the way of the fantasy.
The Home Office report is just the latest in a long line of false narratives concerning Muslim rape gangs in towns and cities throughout the UK - everyone knows they're real, the scale of the problem can no longer be ignored.
TTT - // "everyone knows they're real, the scale of the problem can no longer be ignored." - well there's some on here giving it a good go! //
Speaking personally, I have never ignored the serious issue of grooming gangs - my entire argument on this thread has been to address the automatic and unproven assumption that the guilty men are Muslims, and that there is some sort of bulit-in predilcition for abuse that is part of being an adherent of that faith.
Speaking personally, I have never ignored the serious issue of grooming gangs - my entire argument on this thread has been to address the automatic and unproven assumption that the guilty men are Muslims, and that there is some sort of bulit-in predilcition for abuse that is part of being an adherent of that faith.
have a day off Andy, you don't need the weather man to tell you when it's peacing down. I don't know how we can prove it but if it was a race horse it'd be an odds on favourite that they are Muslims. Be honest If I listed those names and asked you to say what religion you think they are what would you say? If we can figure out a way to prove this one way or another I'll bet you £20 to charity they are all muslims, you only have to find one that isn't and you've won, would you take that?
TTT - have a day off Andy, you don't need the weather man to tell you when it's peacing down. I don't know how we can prove it but if it was a race horse it'd be an odds on favourite that they are Muslims. Be honest If I listed those names and asked you to say what religion you think they are what would you say? If we can figure out a way to prove this one way or another I'll bet you £20 to charity they are all muslims, you only have to find one that isn't and you've won, would you take that? //
If anyone needs a day off it's you!
You are beyond obsessed with convincing anyone that will listen that these men are Muslims, and therefore hehavng to type.
It really doesn't matter - you will never change your view, no matter how many reasoned arguments are offered to you, so have it your own way, if it makes you feel better, and it obviously does, because you devote to much time to preaching your cause.
If you want to think that all Asian grooming gangs must be Muslims, because this is what Muslims do, then neither I, or anyone else is ever going to convince you otherwise.
So I will stop trying - and you can peddle your views every single time you can find a news story - it clearly makes you happy to pump yourself up like this, so who am I to stop you?
Carry on - but maybe, just maybe there is another different point of view ...
If anyone needs a day off it's you!
You are beyond obsessed with convincing anyone that will listen that these men are Muslims, and therefore hehavng to type.
It really doesn't matter - you will never change your view, no matter how many reasoned arguments are offered to you, so have it your own way, if it makes you feel better, and it obviously does, because you devote to much time to preaching your cause.
If you want to think that all Asian grooming gangs must be Muslims, because this is what Muslims do, then neither I, or anyone else is ever going to convince you otherwise.
So I will stop trying - and you can peddle your views every single time you can find a news story - it clearly makes you happy to pump yourself up like this, so who am I to stop you?
Carry on - but maybe, just maybe there is another different point of view ...
AH: "It really doesn't matter - you will never change your view, no matter how many reasoned arguments are offered to you" - I'll change my view if I have to pay out on the wager I offered above. In my experience a good way to test the veracity of someone's opinion is by how willing they are to put their money where their mouth is. I am, all you have to do is find one of the 29 is not a muslim and I will pay out. Even if you find one, even though it still means that most of them are I will concede and pay up. You know I will as I have demonstrated in the past. If I pay out it means I accept that I am wrong? surely? So what do you say will you take the bet?
TTT - you really are taking your obsession to ridiculous lengths now.
I have no intention of betting with you over such tragic and life-changing events, it's utterly unhealthy and I want no part of it.
Nurse your obsession, preach to the converted, but our dialogue on this issue is at an end.
I am playing no further part in fuelling your unhealthy bigotry any more.
Sleep well.
I have no intention of betting with you over such tragic and life-changing events, it's utterly unhealthy and I want no part of it.
Nurse your obsession, preach to the converted, but our dialogue on this issue is at an end.
I am playing no further part in fuelling your unhealthy bigotry any more.
Sleep well.
// why does it take so long // ?
The crime(s) have only just been discovered. The men have just been charged, and will appear in Court in July. They will face a trial and if found guilty, they will be sentenced. That is the process of law. It does not appear to be long time. How quickly would you like it to go ?
The crime(s) have only just been discovered. The men have just been charged, and will appear in Court in July. They will face a trial and if found guilty, they will be sentenced. That is the process of law. It does not appear to be long time. How quickly would you like it to go ?
Looking at the names, it is very easy to decide that they are muslims. But in other similar cases, they are also predominantly Pakistanis.
There are about 50 muslim countries in the world, but most of the offenders originate from just 1 country. The problem isn’t with the religion, the problem is the culture, tradition and behaviour of Pakistani men.
There are about 50 muslim countries in the world, but most of the offenders originate from just 1 country. The problem isn’t with the religion, the problem is the culture, tradition and behaviour of Pakistani men.
sunk: "The crime(s) have only just been discovered. The men have just been charged, and will appear in Court in July. They will face a trial and if found guilty, they will be sentenced. That is the process of law. It does not appear to be long time. How quickly would you like it to go ?" - It must have been reported earlier when it was less muslim men and fewer abuses. That's when it should have started but I suspect the authorities delayed because they are terrified of being labelled Islamophobic. That's how quick I would like.