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ToraToraTora | 09:33 Mon 16th Aug 2021 | News
258 Answers
Knowing what we know now, what should the West have done in response to 9/11 and other atrocities?


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Noticed nearly all the people trying to escape at the airport were mainly men , and of a conscription age .
11:19 Tue 17th Aug 2021
Of course they would do it, and Ick's comment @ 9:57 is very relevant.

But news at the moment is very sketchy and without verification. Just as some parts of Taliban 2 would do it so might some political factions from other countries make up stories.

Like Khandro I shall watch and wait until things are confirmed.
Thanks for trying Ellipsis at 11:19.

Sadly I think it went over everyones heads, and they prefer to be spoon fed lies by the dodgy Murdoch’s Fox News and New York Post.

The photo of the dead woman in the link you posted at 9:42, who you said was shot yesterday by the Taliban.

How do you account for the fact that the same photo was circulating 10 days ago ?
Time lapse photography?
This so-called incident has not been reported in the reputable news outlets so it can be safely assumed to have been fake news.

What has been reported though, is that Donald Trump said last night (what anyone with any brains would say), that he would have withdrawn all US citizens and military equipment from Afghanistan BEFORE its troops. Now thousands of US civilians remain trapped there & the Taliban have billions of $ worth of US weapons - including Black Hawk helicopters ! - thanks to the clown Biden.

I had no idea that the US had left loads of 'kit' on the ground. another indication that the Taliban's takeover was completely unprepared for.
Before you all get carried away with how frightfully clever you are;
There was no picture of the shot woman when Danny first put that NY Post story up. The picture, which does indeed prove the story wrong, has been subsequently added.
So the question remains. How could the clever ***s know the NYP story was referring to the same incident as Gromit's twitter link?
Gromit even says 'that's the same photo'. But at least 3 of us couldn't see a photo in the NYP.
The only possible answer, that I can see, strange as it seems, is that some of you were seeing the updated link complete with picture before the rest of us.
I'm not going to repost my Wednesday at 11:19 post, but you clearly didn't read the words. A bit like the NYP article ...
Leading article in today's Telegraph for ichi:
'Joe Biden has been a monumental disaster
At home and abroad, the most Left-wing White House in history is actively driving America’s decline

19 August 2021 • 6:00pm
Nile Gardiner

The past few days have been among the most painful in over half a century for the United States on the international stage. The fall of Kabul to the Taliban following the US withdrawal from Afghanistan is a humiliation for the world’s superpower. It may take decades before America’s standing is restored, and faith in American leadership is fully revived.

The fallout from Afghanistan will exceed even that which followed the end of the Vietnam War, not only in terms of the damage to America’s self-confidence but also the threat it will pose to its security. The Taliban will inevitably turn their country once again into a safe haven for al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups to strike against the US. Nato has also been undermined. The retreat from Afghanistan has weakened the alliance, and squandered nearly 20 years of collective effort by its 30 members.

As commander in chief, Joe Biden carries ultimate responsibility for a decision that will haunt America for a generation or more. His legacy will be one of failure, exceedingly poor judgment and staggering incompetence....................' continues
// You quite rightly point out that Afghanistan has millions of able bodied men who appear reluctant to raise arms and defend themselves//

yeah I love the idea of fighting for freedom
but should nt the Afghans be doing it first?

Altho I admit ..... 1940 The Fall of France wasnt exactly supported by the people of France who took to the streets ( as internal refugees) in millions - - and Belgium
// and squandered nearly 20 years of collective effort by its 30 members.//

nothing to squander
it already had been squandered
no result for the expenditure of $ 1tn

the result ( disaster and collapse ) didnt just happen on Wednesday - it was always there and always gonna happen
//I'm not going to repost my Wednesday at 11:19 post, but you clearly didn't read the words. A bit like the NYP article ...//

Thank *** for that, Inspector Clueless. If I'd wanted to take part in a mystery hunt, I'd sign up for a mystery hunt.
Haha! Me too spicerack - and let’s face it, it’s never beyond gromit to indulge in a bit of jiggery pokery when it suits him. :o)
// There was no picture of the shot woman when Danny first put that NY Post story up. //

There was, or I wouldn’t have done a Google image search on it and found it was an old photo.

It is a screen grab of a movie not a photo, so it could be weeks, days or even years old.
The NY Post went up at 8:21 on Wednesday and used the picture. I was able to search it and reply 20 minutes later.

// it’s never beyond gromit to indulge in a bit of jiggery pokery when it suits him. //

You have been misled by Murdoch’s gutter press, and the best you can come up with I is must have done some trickery.
If I say there was no photo in the NY Post story, there was no photo.
I'm not a liar and I'm not mentally ill.
Even if I was, I don't have Naomi's or Togo's e-mail addresses.
Even if I did, it would be a very weird conspiracy for us to indulge in.
You'll just have to accept, some of you could see the photo and some of us couldn't.
That explains why Inspector Clueless went down the ever decreasing circles that led nowhere.
Perhaps the NYP thought they wouldn't get away with their deception with the more discerning, intelligent readers.
So they blocked the picture on Naomi's, Togo's and my screens.
But didn't account for you, gromit. (I can't imagine why not)
I claim to be first to declare it fake news; 10:41 Wed. - for which I was told I was "naïve", but I'm too much of a gentleman to say by whom :0)

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