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ToraToraTora | 09:33 Mon 16th Aug 2021 | News
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Knowing what we know now, what should the West have done in response to 9/11 and other atrocities?


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Noticed nearly all the people trying to escape at the airport were mainly men , and of a conscription age .
11:19 Tue 17th Aug 2021
You still haven't read my post, Spicerack!

Like you, I didn't see the photo in the NYP article. For me, the NYP article was about a photo that it didn't show. But it linked to the Fox News article - the source of the story - and that Fox News article did show the photo.

The Fox News article was the source, according to the NYP article, and it showed the photo. As I wrote at 11:19 on Wednesday.
^There you are, gromit. The picture wasn’t there. Had it been I wouldn’t have queried it. No one expects to have to search elsewhere for something referenced.

Khandro, I didn’t say you are naive because you thought it fake news but because you seem to think the Taliban wouldn’t do
anything so barbaric.
I'll grant you're a very tenacious person, ellipses.
Like the Black Knight in 'The Holy Grail'.
Please don't keep telling me what I have & haven't read.
I asked gromit about the picture because of the attitude he copped with Noami. No answer. So I asked his sidekick. No answer.
And then, unfortunately, comes you, completely unbidden, with your 70 word anabasis to the middle of nowhere.
As I said, if I'd wanted a mystery clue hunt, I'd have joined a mystery clue hunt site.
PS. Ain't no picture of the dead woman on the Fox link you supplied.
-- answer removed --
Spicerack, if you read the Fox News article today, all the words, all the way to the end, you'll see it says:

EDITOR’S NOTE: A photo previously included in this report was used inadvertently; it was not taken this year.
And Naomi, and Spicerack, if you bothered to actually read non-source bandwagon-jumping articles like the NYP one, you'd realise it was worth clicking on the links to source that they contain.

The NYP article still says ...

> A photo emerged of a woman in Takhar province lying in a pool of blood, with loved ones crouched around her, after she was killed by insurgents for being in public without a head covering, according to Fox News.

... where "according to Fox News" is a link to the Fox News article, even though Fox News has now withdrawn the erroneous photo its article was based on.
Welcome to the 21st century, ellipsis.
Things change, sites get updated, not always with an Editor's note.
Still shows up all your 'investigation' as arrant nonsense.
Ask one of your mates to remove it.
I didn't have to read anything or go searching anywhere.
Gromit said it was the same photo.
So all I had to do was look at the photo.
Even you agree, 'there was no photo'.
Aaand. Here we all are...back to square 1. Lol.
You are clearly very confused. You ought to read more and post less ...

What an amazing coincidence it must be, in your capacious mind, that the very photo that Gromit was referring to, that wasn't there, turned out to be the photo that Fox News removed, saying "it was not taken this year."
Yep, resort to insults when logic and rationality fails you ...
When you saw gromit and his sidekick insulting Naomi about a picture she couldn't see, that you couldn't see, the honest and decent thing to do was say, 'I can't see that picture either. gromit'.
You chose a different path,,,for reasons that honest, decent people can only guess at.
LOL, paint yourself on that pedestal, Spicey.

While you're at it, tell me what about my post at 11:19 on Wednesday, or any post since, was dishonest ...

What's very clear is that you didn't actually read the NYP article and the Fox News article it cited as its source. Because if you did, you'd have seen the photo Gromit was referring to. And, as I said, what an amazing
coincidence if Gromit didn't see a photo anywhere, but now the Fox News source has withdrawn the photo he didn't see, for the very reason he claimed it was wrong.

//And Naomi, and Spicerack, if you bothered to actually read non-source bandwagon-jumping articles like the NYP one, you'd realise it was worth clicking on the links to source that they contain.//

Lol. You keep having a go at me for not reading that terrible article.
If I had a crayon I could explain it in language even you could understand.
I didn't need to read the terrible article. All I had to do was look at the photo gromit referred to. (which you and I, amongst others, couldn't see)
He didn't go a'hunting for the picture like you did. He saw it in the NYP as soon as Danny posted the link. Why on earth would Naomi or anyone else go searching the internet for a picture they can't see?
Why indeed? Let’s keep it lighthearted chaps. Worming is no more than I’d expect from you ellipsis, so thanks for the laugh. What.a wag. :o)
It should have ignored the American government, who did as all governments do with anything that happens - see it as a vote-catcher, and act accordingly.

The American government saw a seriously monumentally horrible thing happen, so naturally their response had to be seen by the electorate as proportionate and vengeful - bring on 'The War On Terror".

Of course the term is utterly meaningless, but that's what politicians do, as fast as possible they get a label up and running, and hang everything they do next on that.

What they did was meaningless, counter-productive, and cost billions of dollars and millions of lives to spin military wheels for a few years, and then revert back to where we started from.

What should we have done?

Ignored the knee-jerk political opportunism of Bush, accompanied by the equally pointless and repellent knee-jerk piggy-backing by Blair, and actually thought through a response that didn't involve pretending that invasion was going to solve the problem.

Because the result of that strategy leaves is where we are now - and that is using 20/20 hindsight to see the utter moral bankruptcy of the Bush and Blair governments, and the horror they have created in search of votes.

We should have taken a breath, had a long hard think about what we wanted, work out if we could get it, and what the cost of getting it was going to be.

If we had done that, invasion would not have happened.
Because the NYP article was a non-article. It was just a shadowy repeat of the - wrong - Fox News source, created to appease the NYP readership and as the sort of clickbait that attracted Danny. Complete garbage, for advertising revenue.

It would appear they didn't have the courage to post the picture while Fox News was hosting it, but as Fox News removed it, they are now posting it.

There is no escaping the fact that the photo predates the Taliban takeover of Kabul, as Gromit said.
Oh good grief! Dog and bone or what?!!! The photograph wasn’t there. Since you found it via a different link that shouldn’t be too difficult for you to understand ellipsis.
You keep telling me the article is rubbish, garbage, clickbait.
I didn't read it.
You did.

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