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20 Years On.....

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ToraToraTora | 08:33 Mon 16th Aug 2021 | News
258 Answers
Knowing what we know now, what should the West have done in response to 9/11 and other atrocities?


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Noticed nearly all the people trying to escape at the airport were mainly men , and of a conscription age .
10:19 Tue 17th Aug 2021
“ - they've been armed and trained for 20 years.

I was talking about the civilians trying to leave but it might just as well apply to the army perhaps :-)
Just seen that the ginger formerly known as Prince and MeAgin say that they are "speechless" over what has happened in Afghanistan. Not all bad then ... what.
Now that Tora has given gully a best answer I expect the Taliban to announce the opening of topless bars at the end of their press conference
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ich: "Now that Tora has given gully a best answer I expect the Taliban to announce the opening of topless bars at the end of their press conference " - as I said above it's one of the few coherent things he's ever said, I felt that I should mark the occasion!
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Togs 16:11, every cloud!
//If the government and army and police are collapsing around you... of course you don't stay and fight... what would be the point?//

Fair enough.

But is it reasonable to expect forces from other nations to risk their lives (whilst the taxpayers of those nations pay for the privilege)?
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judge:\\ "//If the government and army and police are collapsing around you... of course you don't stay and fight... what would be the point?//

Fair enough.

But is it reasonable to expect forces from other nations to risk their lives (whilst the taxpayers of those nations pay for the privilege)? \\
that's what the LibFacs and TROB seem to want, but they hate us more than the Taliban so I can why!
Interesting reading ...

Biden's speech on Afghanistan fact-checked
Germany, who had the largest military contingent in Afghanistan after the US, managed to land its first aircraft an Airbus A-400M aircraft at Kabul ... and it flew out with 7 passengers on board.
My first thought when 9/11 happened was that the USA would continue and increase bombing the ship out of the middle east. My second thought was that such a reaction would lead to years of retaliation and decades and centuries of hatred; see Ireland and the historical hatred there; see Israel and Palestine; see anywhere on the planet. Being thrashed only leads to long-lasting feuds.
Talking with the 'enemy' led to years of reduced violence in Ireland - a quick bomb or bullet leads to a return to the bad old days.
Violence never wins, it just leads to more violence.
Afghanistan isn’t the Middle East.
Under Mullah Omar, a man so fanatical that he was hardly ever even photographed, and only then covertly, the Taleban allowed al Qaeda to use Afghan soil, to echo what was said at the press conference yesterday, to train and base its operations there. That was a situation that could not be allowed to continue. Furthermore, as already stated, there already was an armed resistance fighting the Taleban in the north.
What has happened since was actually working but sadly the will, understandably, of the US to remain was seriously weak, especially when coaxed by populist politicians of both sides
Ireland can’t be compared with the situation in
Afghanistan or in the Middle East, neither of which will ever be resolved. Ireland is solely political, the others not only political but more importantly cultural too and for that there is no solution and no compromise.
^there you go.
// Taliban kill woman for not wearing burqa on same day it vows to honor ‘women’s rights //

Odd that the same photo was on the internet 10 days ago before the Taliban captured the country. So the killing wasn’t yesterday, that is just propaganda.
Which photo is the same, gromit?
Asks Naomi

The photo of the dead woman supposedly shot yesterday for not wearing a burqa. It was circulating 10 days ago.
'Death to America' chanted the Taliban. 'It's mostly friendly chanting' the female CNN correspondent assured us.
Just prior to huddling into the wall, putting her head down and whispering ' They just ordered me off the street because I'm a woman'.
Don't think they'll be changing any time soon.
The US insisted that 10% of the Afghan Army were women. Doubt that did much for morale.
Gromit, I can’t see that picture I. Danny’s link
- which is why I asked. How do we know this is not another incident?

^trust that explains it Ozzy.

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