Quizzes & Puzzles10 mins ago
Is Anyone Else Sick And Tired?
88 Answers
https:/ /news.s ky.com/ story/g reta-th unberg- says-cl aims-th at-uk-i s-a-cli mate-le ader-ar e-a-lie -as-uni cef-rep ort-fin ds-1-bi llion-c hildren -at-hig h-risk- from-cl imate-i mpacts- 1238567 2
She keeps attacking one of the worlds leading climate change responders, yet she ignores the big boys, China, USA, India etc! UK is responsible for 1% of the emissions, we cannot make any difference yet we do put in a massive effort. Go and visit China Greta, open your eyes love.
She keeps attacking one of the worlds leading climate change responders, yet she ignores the big boys, China, USA, India etc! UK is responsible for 1% of the emissions, we cannot make any difference yet we do put in a massive effort. Go and visit China Greta, open your eyes love.
//…If you are going to argue to do nothing about climate change, then do so. But don’t present blatant lies as facts.// And it would be better if you didn’t cherry-pick them either. China is opening coal fired power stations at the rate of about one a week. The fuel needed for the plants it has in the planning stage exceeds the entire coal consumption of the USA....
12:25 Fri 20th Aug 2021
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She reckon we are fiddling the stats
// Thunberg said that "if you don't include all emissions then the statistics are going to look much nicer", suggesting things like aviation, shipping, and the burning of biomass have not been taken into account.
She added the UK is "very good at creative carbon accounting" but that "doesn't mean much in practice". //
// Thunberg said that "if you don't include all emissions then the statistics are going to look much nicer", suggesting things like aviation, shipping, and the burning of biomass have not been taken into account.
She added the UK is "very good at creative carbon accounting" but that "doesn't mean much in practice". //
Mozz: "Tora, Greenpeace is a huge organisation. Miss Thunberg is one person trying to change people's mindsets on climate change. " - she's not alone she is a puppet of the massive movement and to be fair I agree with many of their contentions, I just cannot comprehend why any activist outfit would not target the worts offenders rather than one of the best.
"I know you take any criticism of this green and pleasant land personally, but like most other European countries, the UK could do more. " - I welcome constructive criticism but I cannot abide people with an agenda who spin everything against us. Yes the UK could do more and it is doing more, we are one of the good guys, go and pick on the bad guys.
"I know you take any criticism of this green and pleasant land personally, but like most other European countries, the UK could do more. " - I welcome constructive criticism but I cannot abide people with an agenda who spin everything against us. Yes the UK could do more and it is doing more, we are one of the good guys, go and pick on the bad guys.
She's concentrating on the ones she has a chance of making a difference with. She goes to talk with China or the US and she's basically *** in the wind. She addresses the smaller countries, w ho show willing to change for the better, and she may just have some success in speeding the process up a little.
Well, you have Scotland Yard to deal with the big boys. Greta's is more you're local bobby on a bicycle. She can't be expected to tackle the global superpowers, but by Christ they know about her.
The hope, I imagine, is that if enough (comparatively) smaller nations take affirmative action in tackling climate change, that the bigger ones (well, not China. They're beyond hope) might take notice, and perhaps be shamed into following suit. She has addressed the UN in the past, so she isn't solely picking on the U.K.
The hope, I imagine, is that if enough (comparatively) smaller nations take affirmative action in tackling climate change, that the bigger ones (well, not China. They're beyond hope) might take notice, and perhaps be shamed into following suit. She has addressed the UN in the past, so she isn't solely picking on the U.K.
mozz: "Well, you have Scotland Yard to deal with the big boys. Greta's is more you're local bobby on a bicycle." - Perlease she is the puppet of a massive movement, she only got involved when her mum wrote a book about climate change. She's been like the Ronald McDonald of the climate change movement ever since. They wheel her out to do some ranting whilst staying anonymous themselves.
Who knows, maybe she will TTT and rightly so if it's justified.
The UK will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 31 October – 12 November 2021. The COP26 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The UK will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 31 October – 12 November 2021. The COP26 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.