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Was It Necessary......

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tiggerblue10 | 17:34 Tue 28th Sep 2021 | News
78 Answers shoot it dead?

Any reason why they couldn't tranquillise or tazer it?


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Quite unnecessary, it was just as risky to slightly miss aim with a rifle and freak the animal as it was to use a tranquiliser dart. Living in Dorset as I do I've come across the nicest of men yet they take pleasure in killing deer .....
// Nobody leaves unattended dogs any more, pp.//
god it wasnt you was it
ter daaah !
Dogs are left regularly tied up outside a couple of my local stores while the owners shop, but there again they are somewhat rural.
People do leave dogs unattended pixie, I see it a lot outside shops/supermarkets unfortunately. I tried to reason with a woman once who had left her very anxious dog tied up outside once and was met with a tirade of verbal abuse !

I suggest we set free the monster who is being charged with killing that lovely young woman who was going to visit her friend the other day and fire a few shots his way.

Poor beautiful stag.
May have been, if I'd seen it, pp.
Shirley.... I should have said... dog lovers wouldn't.
Burly shirley he has been charged but not convicted

and do people get convicted what havent done it? I am sorry to report they do
That's interesting Pixie, I always respect your views but are we saying that someone who ties their dog up outside the Co-Op for 5-10 minutes is not a dog lover?
It depends on the area, prudie, I think. There are so many thefts just now, that I would never leave them anywhere unattended. If someone knows theirs will be safe- fair enough. Just too big a risk for me nowadays.
Some people are kinder ...

Actually my friend considers herself a dog lover and in many ways she is, her dog is very well looked after, but she will leave him outside shops despite me (and others) telling her how unsafe it is to do that nowadays ! She just doesn't listen It's something I would never do.

Prudie, an elderly chap left his beloved dog outside a shop for 'only a few minutes' some years ago now. A passing thug took it upon himself to take the dog, who was found later drowned in a small body of water ! There was CCTV footage of him leading the dog away and I will never forget the way the dog was looking up at the thug, wondering who this was taking him away.
What an amazing video and what a truly lovely couple.
That's what I meant, Shirley- maybe "not a dog-lover" is the wrong phrase. But, there is a huge risk and no benefit. I would be equally likely to tie a dog up outside a shop, as I would a toddler. Just not worth it.
// I would be equally likely to tie a dog up outside a shop, as I would a toddler//

hmm not seen many tethered toddlers outside Lidls,
know a few who should be tho' - - ter daaah !
There you go, then :-). Sorry, tiggs x
Good grief, Bambi's already consigned to history and the sausage factory.
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I've seen dogs tied up outside shops numerous times. Poor dogs. I'd rather leave the dog indoors whining than put it at risk outside a shop.
I thought this thread was about a deer that had been shot.
How many millions of animals are slaughtered for food every year? Do any of you care about them? Probably some of you do. But there seems to be an aaah factor if the animal is a white bambi lookalike.

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