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Was It Necessary......

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tiggerblue10 | 17:34 Tue 28th Sep 2021 | News
78 Answers shoot it dead?

Any reason why they couldn't tranquillise or tazer it?


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Atheist.... a similar number that was bred for food?
Do you drink milk, out of interest?
Pixie; are you saying that animals bred for food are in some way OK to eat because they are bred to be slaughtered?
I do eat dairy products, wear leather shoes, and occasionally a slice of ham.
I am not in some way superior to omnivores, but I do find kitten lovers who eat baby pigs a bit hard to stomach. :-)
Yes atheist... if that's the only reason they are alive in the first place. What I don't agree with, even with shortener lives, is abuse. But drinking milk, in many ways is far more cruel, than eating beef. I just wondered if you were objecting to death more than abuse?
Leather is secondary and not the same, and from my experience, hens don't show distress when fertilised eggs are removed. But cows do, when calves are.
I know you just have acceptable/not acceptable like everyone else. I just wondered where and why your boundaries were?
As I said, I was vegetarian for a lot of years, until I was breastfeeding and starving... and realised, it wasn't actually helping anyone.
You eating a slice of ham sometimes... what is your view on kittens?
Our house backs on to a forest close to Killarney National Park. The odd deer gets a bit lost but soon will make its own way back to the herd when left alone. Shooting this one was a disgrace.
Pixie; you think that it's morally OK to kill animals for food if they were bred for that purpose? I find that very strange.
I think that the dairy industry is worrying to me. I think there could be a more humane way of using cows' milk than the way it is now. I plead guity to being complicit in bad treatment of animals, but I try to minimise it.

Athiest - you wear leather shoes. Where do you think the leather comes from? It's a by-product from the meat trade.
there are white and piebald deer where I live . I used to see them quite often early in the morning. I don't think the white ones there are either due to old age or albinism because of the piebald ones in the same herd.
Was this thread not about a deer being shot?

Who consumes what and why is not relevant.
I don't think it's strange, atheist (obviously:-)). I would go with quality over quantity for pretty much any life. I find your suggestion that animals are better off never existing, than having a shorter life... more strange, myself.
You still haven't answered why a slice of ham is ok, on spite of your kitten comparison?
To me, I don't think we were designed or naturally meant to eat carnivores. It isn't really how the food chain works... dogs, cats, wolves, lions, etc... are not natural prey for us.
And, by drinking milk, you don't want them killed... but condone torment?
Pixie; I've heard your view from others before. It's better to create life and then take life away than never to have created that life in the first place? How would you apply that to human life? Should we breed humans, keep them happy and well fed for a few years, and then slaughter them for food?
I know that leather and milk and ham are not ideal, and I know that I am not a saint, but I do my best to minimise the bad stuff that I see in this world.
I'm not sure why eating carnivores comes into this. You might eat omnivores for all I know (like pigs for example).

Shooting it was the most expedient & safest solution. A deer can be a dangerous animal.
I'd apply it to anyone... would you rather have a happy life for 30 years, or never live, because it isn't long enough?
But no, we all minimise in our own ways, so, fair enough... x
Like the deer we seem to have strayed into hostile territory.
Obviously not necessary, just the easiest solution as far as the police were concerned.
NO, armed response over react in my view in the UK, called in for the slightest thing. Was watching a police program the other week, were three cows had got out of their field, a good way away from the road, first reaction from the officer there was, we may have call arm response and shoot them. Its almost as if they can't wait for a call, to have some practice with their shooters.
Davebro, 21.15. Can we apply that to humans too?
Pixie; this is a difficult philosophical point. Something that never lived would not have a chance to say what they would have preferred, because they would not have lived to have an opinion. I think that I have a valid point here in saying "do you think it a good thing to create life simply to be able to take life away in order to prolong your own life?" I find that offensive. It reminds me of the question of God that some people find attractive and that I don't.

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