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I watched a bit of that knocked together video but I can’t see the point of posting it. Why is she incapable of empathy with ordinary people. She doesn’t come from a particularly privileged background. She was educated at a Comprehensive school.
17:49 Sun 10th Jul 2022
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Tora: Thought they won in 97, that Blair was there for 11 years and Brown for another three.
That was Tory Lite, Blair was a Thatcherite.
Ok, fatticusinch, since you can’t bear to be out of the picture here, you tell me what she’s done for paigntonian to gain that impression.
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You can't make it up. Nadim says that 'if I become PM' he'll publish his tax returns. er. Now would be good.
I'm no fan of Truss but I wouldn't use a 2 minute cobbled together video to evaluate her abilities. That says more about the OP et al than her.
Well I agree with that and I think the OP is a Tory citer hence my point
//fatti: "ndeed Ichkeria, I believe it’s very much an indicator as to the state of the party in general. " - I'd be looking a bit closer to home me old china. If we are in such a "state" why is Rodders still not landing a glove on us? Labour have been in power for 23 years out of 122 of their existence. They haven't won a GE since 1974!//

There you go again, your paranoid use of Labour and/or the 5C lefty insults.
You’ve got to realise that just because someone is not a fanboy of Johnson like yourself and the fawning Naomi(the Nadine Dorries of AB) it does not automatically deem them Labour supporters.
I’ve already told you I’m apolitical and don’t vote, I am not aligned to any one party.
To contrast that, you even asked me the other day who should be the next Tory leader and I responded with Tugendhat and gave reasons why.
Why would I do that? Where have you ever seen me champion Starmer?
Are you REALLY too thick to understand any of this? I only ask but it’s generally a question you use.
I like some Tory MP’s, I like some Labour MP’s but I do not fawn over any in the way that you hero-worship Johnson.
I do though want to see those in positions of authority and high office be transparent, honest and accountable, everything the Johnson regime wasn’t.
Did any of that register?
Paigntonian, why do you think she has no empathy with ordinary people? What has she done to give you that impression?
//Ok, fatticusinch, since you can’t bear to be out of the picture here, you tell me what she’s done for paigntonian to gain that impression.//

For those with difficulty in understanding I’d hazard a guess it’s more a case of what she HASN’T done or is deemed incapable of that has led Paigntonian to that conclusion.
Maybe you should ask them?
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Naomi: Fair question. I just dislike her. That may not be rational but it's the way it is. She comes across as a machine politician, spouting trite soundbites. Fail to see how she can be inspiring, exciting, game-changing, remarkable...
Who are ‘them’?
The thing is fatti, I don't believe a word of what you say you are. You say one thing and then contradict yourself with clear left wing views. You claim to be in the military yet you carry on like cross between Diane Abott and David Lammy. You claim to be Apolitical yet your politics are clearly partisan on the left. You have had at least 3 IDs on here that I know about all of them generally hard left. You only pick on Tories. Boris isn't even out of the door yet and you are slamming the runners for the leadership. I think you are a dishonest charlatan with no guts and no morals.
Thanks for answering, paigntonian. So she hasn’t actually done anything. You just dislike her. Not difficult to see why negative rumours are so easily spread.
//The thing is fatti, I don't believe a word of what you say you are. You say one thing and then contradict yourself with clear left wing views. You claim to be in the military yet you carry on like cross between Diane Abott and David Lammy.//

Sigh. Ok.
For the terminally stupid:
Why would I want to see Tom Tugendhat as the next Prime Minister?

Stop acting the moron is the best advice I can give you, take at least one day off.
//I think//

You clearly don’t.
keep dishing out the insults mate, water off a ducks back. You are a busted charlatan. Rant on we know all about you.
Miss! Miss, Tora's making a fool of himself again.
Has he had his afternoon tablet?
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Tora: Your last comment (fatti) was uncalled for. It was purile and you should go to bed.
Lol, you’ve had a very tiring and upsetting week ‘mate’, I know it destroys you that the Tory party got rid of your hero TGL, The Gargantuan Liar but you must stop blaming the 5C, the lefties and poltroons, 52 of them left office in one day over Johnson, what a bunch of traitorous scum eh? ROFL
Care to answer my Tugendhat question?
No, thought not.
Not a dry eye in the house me old china, PMSL.
fatti: "Care to answer my Tugendhat question? " - OK, you must think he'll be best for your marxists tendencies. I picked Corbyn for similar but opposite reasons in the past. You're a charlatan me old china and I have your measure, carry on with your juvenile drivel makes no difference.

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