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Why All The Hysterics?

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ToraToraTora | 08:05 Sat 16th Jul 2022 | News
145 Answers
It's hot so what? gawd there are counties in the world that are like this every day, they don't close schools and have national emergency. Same when it snows, why are we so carp at weather? I never had a day off school for weather, ever and I was at school in 1976.


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//…and it is almost certainly due to climate change.// No it’s not. It’s due to something called “weather.” An area of low pressure is forming over the Azores in the Atlantic, to the south-west of the British Isles. Air flows anti-clockwise round low-pressure systems so the wind will flow around the low-pressure system from north Africa and the Iberian...
10:39 Sat 16th Jul 2022
diversion tactics
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gawd there having a cobra meeting now!
Could we introduce Spanish practices? Let's have siestas in the afternoons, two or three hours say, and move clocking off time to 8.30 or so.
"There are countries in the world that are like this every day."
And are therefore used to it and build their lives around it. Same as countries who have heavy snowfall, etc.
You mean you actually went to school.?
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1ozzy "it's because you're a bunch of woosies that once upon a time thought you ruled the world. " - we did rule the world and guess where we sent our criminals.
" Guess where we sent our Criminals"
Boris will be on the next flight.... 1ozzy... lol
Even Australia considers temperatures in the 40C range to be an emergency and it is a much hotter country on average than us which is better equipped to deal with it...

it's not "just hot" it's much hotter than the Uk is in normal times and it is almost certainly due to climate change.
That is a real shocker! I thought you were much older than that, TTT.

Our homes and workplaces aren't built for heat. Very few buildings have air conditioning; we don't take siestas when it is hot. School hours in hot countries are different, usually finishing much earlier.

We are not used to it. When my sister visits us (she lives in a hot country) she has to wear coats and jumpers whilst we are in t shirts. She has an electric blanket on the bed.

Animals will be struggling in this heatwave, too. They must be wussies
//I never had a day off school for weather, ever and I was at school in 1976.//
//gawd there having//

May I ask if you were taught how to spell?
On the radio news this morning, they are warning that 'people will die'! It's the same if we ever have heavy snow, the country grinds to a halt and yet when I was a kid, we always had heavy snow day after day, but life carried on.

Yes, we live in a 'nanny state' and we are a bunch of wussies !

I just hope people have the sense to keep their pets safe in the heat and look after them as they should, as I will be doing with my beloved dog. I'm not bothered for myself at all, I don't need a nanny
state to tell me how to keep 'safe' in hot weather ...
toratoratora seems to think that just because he was at school during the 1976 heatwave this means that it was obviously a good idea and a sensible thing to do.
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I know what you mean barry, I work with indians a lot and when they first come here, even in summer they think it's cold and sit in their coats! I know one guy who's wife came over to live with him but went back after a few weeks because she was cold all the time!
i think you'll find quite a lot of people did die in previous heatwaves or big freezes... silly nanny state attempting to preserve human life ;)
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untitled: "toratoratora seems to think that just because he was at school during the 1976 heatwave this means that it was obviously a good idea and a sensible thing to do. " - well we just got on with it, same when it snows, these days they close the schools! we went in even when the heating was broken and did lessons in our coats and had massive snowball fights at break time! Bunch of snowflakes these days.
Advice is welcome especially when records are being broken. Elsewhere folk evolved to cope and their society is better prepared because it's normal there. Here we get reports of wildfire across Europe and know there's an increase risk of death by folk not used to coping with it. It all seems fair enough to me.
One good thing is that due to health and safety regulations, by the time the risk assessment is done signed off then everything put in place the emergency, real or imagined, is over so it actually works out cheaper for all.
"well we just got on with it, same when it snows, these days they close the schools!"

so what? what makes you think this was the better course of action?

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