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Corporal Punishment In Schools

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tiggerblue10 | 09:34 Tue 30th Aug 2022 | News
114 Answers
What are your thoughts on this and would you be happy to see it introduced in the UK?


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I was never hit by my parents but I think I was more afraid of my Dad than I would have been if I had had the odd slap. At least you know the anger has been released.

Physical harm isn't always the worst thing.
Ellipsis - The idea of calmly and dispassionately deciding that a stranger has my permission to equally calmly hit my child in school, is something that fills me with utter disgust, and I know no-one, family or friends, who would agree to that for a moment.
Some of today's children are not feral or have no respect for adults because they were not smacked. Its because they have had no discipline. Kids can be given harsh discipline without resorting to violence. Some parents have no idea and want to treat their children like their friends. They threaten without following through or give up in the end because they have not learned the skills and perhaps have no self-discipline. In my opinion physical violence has no place in teaching kids right from wrong but drawing a line in the sand and making sure its not crossed without consequence is very important at home or at school .
davebro - // Physical harm isn't always the worst thing. //

Indeed not, but deciding that one form of abuse would be better than another is a choice that no child should ever be considering.
Just what I was wondering, Ellipsis. I'm sure we have all annoyed or been annoyed by another adult. Imagine if it was okay to get out a paddle to spank another person.
Only as a last resort though, gness ... LOL
I well remember my schooldays when many teachers were profligate in handing out corporal punishment.

Having made a couple of mistakes in maths on one occasion the sadistic teacher, rather than his usual "correction" of a clip on the ear he decided that as I had made two mistakes it was necessary to slap both ears at the same time - I'm sure this is why I now suffer terrible tinnitus.

Corporal punishment would be welcomed by some sadistic teachers who no doubt enjoy meting it out (there were certainly a few at my old school). Mathematics became my best subject in later years when the subject was taken over by a more gentle compassionate guy who was brilliant in bringing put the best without any violence at all - he commanded much respect owing to this and his skills at teaching. Only inadequate teachers need to resort to barbarism.

For this reason alone it must be proscribed.
*out, not put (typo)
Thanks, Ellipsis. I’ll warn Dave. ;-)
Ah, now, between consenting adults ... that's a different matter!
How did I know you’d come back with that!!
I suppose corporal punishment is less of a problem than major trauma.
douglas - I don't know if you'd need a straight man (to feed you the lines) but you should def pursue a career in comedy!

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