Sqad - // You may well be correct...I just don't know, but you mention that there are more than two options to reverse this trend. What are they? //
If I knew what they were, I would in the government as Minister For Education, telling them.
I don't claim to have the answer, but it's simple for anyone to see what is not the answer, and that is violence towards children in a school, that in the street would be classed as criminal assault.
In your initial answer, you referred to the use of assault on children as acceptable, quote 'in a reasonable manner'.
Call me old fashioned, but I don't believe there is a 'reasonable manner' for an adult to assault a child.
If we are expecting teachers to cold-bloodedly and with full intention of harm, physical or psychological, to assault a child, then we should not be asking for teachers, we should be asking for sadists - they are the only people who can carry out such behaviour.