//@08.45.Im not wanting a great rigmarole NJ.I just want an answer to the question"Did the SNP vote alongside Thatcher or did they vote alongside Callaghan in the 1979 no-confidence vote?".It isnt rocket science.// (You @09:08)
//You've been given the answer to that question many times. Yes they did vote with the opposition.// (Me @ 09:21)
//So they voted with Thatcher.Thank you.// (You @ 09:26)
I know you don’t like a rigmarole, but I urge you to read the following transcript of the exchanges on this matter over the past five days. Take particular note of the passages I have marked with “QQQ” (which denote your question) and those I have marked “AAA” (an answer to that question). They began last Saturday, when part of your OP stated this:
//She [Mrs Thatcher] was enabled into power by the SNP back in 1979.//
8th April:
//As well as 11 SNP Mps, 13 Liberals also voted in favour of no confidence, //(JimF @ 17:56)
QQQ//@17.56.So did the SNP vote with Thatcher or did they vote with Jim Callaghan,Jim?// (You @ 18:00)
AAA//Jesus Christ, they voted against the government. Seriously, what is actually wrong with you?// (JimF @ 18:01)
QQQ//@18.22.So did the SNP vote alongside Thatcher or did they vote alongside the socialist government of Jim Callaghan,TCL?// (You @ 18:28)
QQQ//I dont know if Jim F is still on here or not,but i asked him who the SNP voted for in the no-confidence vote back in 1979.I said the SNP voted for and enabled Thatcher.He seems to disagree.// (You @18:42)
AAA//They did vote in favour of the [No Confidence] motion.// (Me @ 18:49)
QQQ//So did the SNP vote alongside Thatcher or did they vote alongside the socialist government of Jim Callaghan,TCL?// (You @18:59)
AAA//Yes of course they did [Vote against the government] ynna,// (Tora @19:02)
AAA//The SNP voted with the Tories as did MPs from other parties.// (TCL @ 19:08)
QQQ//Neither TCL or JimF have answered my question-"Did the SNP vote alongside Thatcher(thereby enabling her into power)or did the SNP vote alongside Jim Callaghans socialist government back in 1979?"// (You @19:12)
AAA//For the final time, the SNP and the Liberals and several members of other parties voted against the Labour government. If you prefer to think of that as voting with the tories, then go right ahead.// (JimF @ 19:13)
QQQ//@19.13.You have never answered my question Jim.Did the SNP vote with Thatcher or did they vote with Jim Callaghans socialist party?// (You @19:20)
QQQ//Hi,TCL,seeing that Jim F is ignoring my questions,perhaps you can answer them."on the 1979 no-confidence vote on Jim Callaghans government,did the SNP vote alongside Thatcher and her fascist reactionaries or did they align themselves with the socialism of Callaghans government"?// (You @19:30)
AAA//I answered your previous question and agreed that the SNP voted with the Tories against the Labour government.// (TCL @ 19:36)
AAA//You keep on asking a question to which the answer is a matter of public record (and you have already been given the same answer at least twice on here).// (Me @20:10)
9th April
QQQ//I just pointed out that the SNP voted alongside the Tories in the 1979 no-confidence vote.Are you disputing that fact or am i just fantasizing that fact?// (You @06:56)
AAA//I’m not disputing that fact at all. It is a matter of public record and I have confirmed you are correct.// (Me @17:33)
QQQ//Looks like you are saying that the SNP MPs didnt vote alongside Thatcher in the no-confidence vote in 1979,NJ?// (You @ 17:40)
AAA//So, to be absolutely clear: the SNP did vote alongside the Opposition (the Tories, The LibDems and the DUP) in the vote of No Confidence.// (Me @23:09)
[To be Continued]