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Boris Would Have Been Suspended...

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choux | 10:07 Thu 15th Jun 2023 | News
222 Answers
for 90 days had he not resigned. tbh, I am not surprised but it is a mucky game in politics and there will be more dirt-throwing, no doubt. The world still spins ;)


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//i honestly dom't know what his cringeing followers want.// Ah, if all else fails name call. It seems quite clear from the posts above: An impartial set of Judges with the Chair in particular being impartial. And what is wrong with that?
11:22 Thu 15th Jun 2023
if he does not understand that the Privileges Committee is not a court of law, then he is an idiot.

no lawyers try it on.... havent you noticed.

when I was questioned by the Police, I said " the complainant is a tenant of mine. She DID tell you that didnt she?" - no answer...
and if he DID know then he sholdnt be asking the questions
and if he didnt know , then he was being misled and not by me....
Good learning experience
//if he does not understand that the Privileges Committee is not a court of law, then he is an idiot. //

Read the other posts.
hymie is correct
Read the other posts.
I did.
Read the report.
Hymie and I were not talking about the report - which is why I recommended you read the other posts.
and if you read the report then you would know that its contents are germane to your discussion
It isn’t relevant to the discussion i was having with Hymie, untitled. You’ve jumped in without looking again. Nothing new there.
actually if you had bothered to read it then you would know that it was relevant... but you clearly didn't.
We’re not talking about the report or what it contains. Read the posts.
I have read them naomi and hymie is correct... clare's information is the most relevant to the discussion you were having (i notice that it was ignored) but you can also read the committee's response to pannick's opinion which she provided or you can read the report itself which includes a summary of the same thing in its annexes
You’re not listening … but carry on if you must.
I think you might be posting from your own private reality naomi... :)
What you think is your choice, untitled.
Do you have any comment on ClareT’s last post, Naomi, or are you doing your usual thing of ignoring facts in favour of your opinions?
No to both.
Surely you must have some thought on the most pertinent answer on the thread. Failing to comment on something which more or less quashes all your arguments about the legality and unfairness of the actions against BoJo makes you look a bit daft, to say the least.
It's a human failing most (all ?) of us can be guilty of, Naomi. Faced with something that cuts away one's argument, either misinterpret it to make out it's wrong, or simply ignore it and continually to repeat one's flawed argument in the hope of convincing. You may recall the fools that kept claiming a certain bus had lies written on it, despite numerous attempts to show why that was clearly not so. Not much one can do to counter in those circumstances. Just shrug and let third parties reading realise the situation.
You respond to it if you want to.

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